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智课网 TOEFL备考资料站璐老师托福综合写作讲义(三)摘要: 托福写作包含综合写作和独立写作两种,本文来简单为大家介绍下托福综合写作的相关内容,在接下来的托福考试过程中,我们会陆续为大家介绍更多有关托福综合写作的相关内容,希望对你的托福写作会有一定的帮助。综合写作是新 托福 有别于旧托福的新题型,虽然大家都觉得他的听力,阅读都不是很难,考试也很模式化,模版的威力巨大,但是满分真的就那么容易吗?如何备考该部分,综合写作主要考查3个能力: take-note,summarize,paraphrase。练习时要有重点,有目的。所以特将此讲义(大家平时可能不是很重视的讲义)分享给大家,该讲义全面,系统的为大家分析了综合写作,并将OG上的精华部分提炼出来,并教大家如何写出自己的模版。望大家仔细拜读,一举攻下综合写作。(注: 此讲义不包括如何take-note)句子转化练习The lecturer totally disagrees with the view made in the reading.The speaker completely denies the idea made in the passage.The professor entirely challenges the statement made by the author.This directly contradicts what the passage indicates. , which directly denies what the author states.This directly challenges what the reading passage believes.In the lecture, the speaker has totally different ideas on the topic made in the reading.In the lecture the professor has completely different ideas on the topic made in the passage.In the listening the lecturer has entirely different ideas on the topic made in the reading passage.万能套用句先他后我 其间以转折词过渡ReadingPoint, but ListeningPoint.Contrary to Reading Points, Listening Points先我后他 其间以驳斥动词过渡ListeningPoint, which oppose ReadingPointListeningPoint. This opposes ReadingPoint万能套用句的转化先他后我The reading passage contends that,but/however the lecturer argues that .According to the reading passage, . On the other hand, the professor in the listening argues thatIn the reading passage, the author believes that. In contrast, the lecturer holds the opposite opinion and believe that Contrary to the point in the reading that. The speaker states thatDifferent from the opinion in the reading that. The professor in the lecture argues that先我后他In the listening, the professor says that. This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because the speaker in the listening argues that. This point disagrees with statement demonstrated in the reading thatAccording to the lecturer, , which refutes the point that in the reading.The lecturer believes that , which casts doubt on the authors point that According to the professor in the lecture, , which differs from the reading in that the reading states.课堂练习Reading:Chimpanzee shares some common traits with human beings when learning language.Memorize words and signalsUse simple grammar to unify words, like childrenConversationListening:Chimps differ from human beings when learning language Have to be taught again and again to learn even one simple signal. In the experiment, the chimpanzee has been taught for hours to learn the word “apple”.Can use only very simple grammar; but children can use more complex grammars when they growCan only respond instead of making a conversation. For example, in a communication between Dr. Walter and Chimp, it can only answer the questions.练习:尝试转化以下支持性句型In fact, the examples used by the professor support the idea thatThe professor bolsters the reading by stating that.The professor claims that.This point agrees with the reading, which contends that.The professor states that, in support of the reading, .This perfectly reinforced what the reading passage indicates because以上就是托福综合写作讲义的部分内容,完整版内容我们在解析来的 托福考试 中还会陆续为大家介绍,希望对大家的托福综合写作会有一定的帮助,如果大家在即将到来的托福考试中还存在一定的帮助,最后祝愿大家在即将到来的托福考试中能够取得优异的成绩。
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