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Unit 2 Healthy eating.完形填空(2017河北唐山联考)Lunch hour is crazy at SAME Cafe, the 40seat restaurant my husband and I run in Denver.A woman in a(n)_1_ suit stepped in.“Hi, Libby,”she said. Wow, what a _2_! The first time she came to the cafe two years ago, she had no money to pay._3_ many customers, she volunteered to wash dishes and _4_. Look at her now: confident and hopeful. Wasnt this what wed hoped for?In 2003, wed _5_ this crazy dream: start a restaurant with a donation box instead of a cash register (收款台). Right away we hit hurdles (阻碍)“There is no such thing as a _6_ lunch,” one potential landlord (房东) sniffed. I met brokers, bankers and suppliers, only to watch them _7_, shaking their heads. No bank would lend us the money to open a restaurant with no _8_.The only fund we could get was our individual retirement account._9_ we rented space from a landlord on Colfax Street. We put fliers (传单) around the neighborhood, asked friends to _10_ the word, and held our breath.Word traveled fast,_11_ stories in the papers and on TV.Soon we had more than 50 customers a day. A few ate without paying or _12_ an hour of work. But most gave what they could,_13_ it was just a dollar. Those with money gave, and then more. One of our customers left a _14_ for 500 dollars. Another bought 1,000 dollars in gift certificates._15_ another donated a truck so we could transport _16_ from suppliers.People came here partly for what our cafe _17_SAME:So All May Eat.We treat everyone with _18_.We hoped to develop a sense of communityso that we might _19_ one another. The woman in the business suit was one of them. Our _20_ to open the cafe was worth it.【语篇导读】本文为记叙文。作者和丈夫开了一家很特别的餐馆,其经营的理念是用捐赠箱代替收款台,目的是让每个人都获得尊严。1A.dinnerBeveningCbusiness Dsummer解析:选C。根据最后一段倒数第二句The woman in the business suit was one of them.可知,此处为一位穿着西服套装的女士。business suit意为“西服套装”,符合语境。2A.change BbeautyCfool Dcoincidence解析:选A。根据The first time she came to the cafe.she had no money to pay.以及Look at her now:confident and hopeful.可知,这位女士发生了变化(change)。beauty意为“美丽”;fool意为“傻瓜”;coincidence意为“巧合”。3A.With BLikeCBesides DToward解析:选B。句意:像很多顾客一样,她自愿洗盘子和扫地。like意为“像一样”,符合语境。with意为“和一起”;besides意为“除以外(还)”;toward意为“朝;向”。4A.wait BsingCperform Dsweep解析:选D。句意见上一题解析。根据后文的叙述可知,没有钱的人也可以来这家餐馆就餐,只要通过自愿劳动来支付饭费即可。再结合wash dishes可知,sweep“打扫”符合语境。5A.lived BhatchedCignored Dachieved解析:选B。句意:在2003年,我们就产生了这样一个疯狂的梦想。live意为“生活”;hatch意为“孵化;筹划”;ignore意为“忽视”;achieve意为“取得”。B项符合句意。6A.packed BdeliciousCfree Ddelivered解析:选C。根据.start a restaurant with a donation box instead of a cash register.可知,作者和丈夫要开的餐馆是没有收款台的,所以此处表示“天下没有免费的(free)午餐”。packed意为“打包的”;delicious意为“美味的”;delivered意为“被递送的”。7A.crowd together Bflood inCwalk away Dturn up解析:选C。根据后面的shaking their heads可知,他们都走开(walk away)并拒绝了我们。crowd together意为“聚集在一起”;flood in意为“涌进”;turn up意为“出现”。8A.staff support Bregular customersClunch boxes Dcash register解析:选D。根据第三段第一句.a restaurant with a donation box instead of a cash register.可知选D项,为原词复现。9A.Unfortunately BFinallyCInterestingly DIllegally解析:选B。几次碰壁之后,“我们”最终(Finally)租到了一个地方。unfortunately意为“不幸的是”;interestingly意为“有趣的是”;illegally意为“不合法地”。10A.analyze BreadCspread Dapprove解析:选C。根据We put fliers around the neighborhood .可知,此处指让朋友们散播(spread)这个消息。analyze意为“分析”;read意为“读”;approve意为“赞同”。11A.thanks to Bapart fromCahead of Daccording to解析:选A。句意:多亏了(thanks to)报纸和电视上的报道,消息传播得很快。apart from意为“除之外”;ahead of意为“在之前”;according to意为“根据”。12A.regretting BgainingCdonating Dbalancing解析:选C。由下文的But可知,此处描述与下文相反的状况,故此处指有些人用餐后没有付钱,也没有自愿献出一小时的工作。regret意为“后悔,遗憾”;gain意为“获得”;donate意为“捐赠”;balance意为“使平衡”。13A.only when Band foreverCso that Deven if解析:选D。句意:但是大部分人给予了他们所能给的,即使那只是一美元。even if意为“即使”,符合语境。14A.reward BcheckCbill Dlist解析:选B。根据for 500 dollars可知此处指支票(check)。介词for表示“达,计(表示价格或价值)”。reward意为“回报,酬劳”;bill意为“账单;钞票”;list意为“清单”。15A.Still BInsteadCOtherwise DThus解析:选A。句意:还有人捐献了一辆货车still another意为“另外一个(用于强调)”,符合句意。instead意为“代替”;otherwise意为“否则”;thus意为“因此”。16A.lunch BcustomersCdishes Dproduce解析:选D。根据from suppliers可知,此处指用车运送来自供应商的农产品(produce)。lunch意为“午餐”;customer意为“顾客”;dish意为“盘子;一道菜”。17A.stood for Bapplied forCbenefited from Ddepended on解析:选A。句意:人们来这里的部分原因是我们餐馆代表的主题。stand for意为“代表”;apply for意为“申请”;benefit from意为“从中受益”;depend on意为“依赖”。故选A项。18A.patience BenergyCconfidence Ddignity解析:选D。根据文章主旨及So All May Eat.可知此处表示有尊严(dignity)地对待每一个人。patience意为“耐心”;energy意为“精力”;confidence意为“信心”。19A.protect BcommunicateChelp Dtreasure解析:选C。根据前面的develop a sense of community可知,此处表示“这样我们就能彼此帮助(help)”。protect意为“保护”,communicate意为“交流”,treasure意为“珍视”,三项均与句意不符。20A.
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