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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High.单句语法填空1What is your attitude _ senior high students taking up a parttime job?【答案】towards/to2Ive heard hes cured many diseases _ this method.【答案】with3She is the youngest in the family.She always _ (get) the biggest apple.【答案】gets4I dont believe she is able to design a digital camera,_ she?【答案】is5We are looking forward to _ (have) your early reply to this matter.【答案】having6Advanced as he was in years,his life was far _ unsatisfied with him.【答案】from7There is nothing _ a cold drink of water when one is thirsty.【答案】like8Under the teachers _ (instruct),we have made great progress in our physics study.【答案】instruction9Even in some developed countries,disabled people are three times more likely to be denied healthcare _ other people.【答案】than10I didnt make his failure public to avoid seeing his _ (embarrass) look.【答案】embarrassed.用所给短语的适当形式填空look forward to,nothing like,at the end of,be divided into,in other words,take part in1100 years ago,that country _ two parts.【答案】was divided into2Many athletes came to Beijing to the Olympics.【答案】take part in3The car is _ the one they advertised.【答案】nothing like4I dont think he is honest._,I dont trust him at all.【答案】In other words5Im really _ going out for a walk with you on such a fine day.【答案】looking forward to6_ our trip,we all gave out.【答案】At the end of.完成句子1I dont believe he can afford to buy an apartment,_?(变反问句)【答案】can he2Our classroom is_.(是他们教室的三倍大)【答案】 three times the size of theirs3中国的人口比世界上任何国家的人口都多。The population of China is larger than _ of any other country in the world.【答案】that4At the meeting,all the people _ (对印象深刻) her brilliant report.【答案】were deeply impressed with5He is _(远非)what I expected.【答案】far from6If Joes wife doesnt go to the party,_(他也不去)【答案】neither will he.单句改错1Is this the book is recommended by the teacher?_【答案】去掉book后的is2There was a surprising look on his face when he saw the result._【答案】surprisingsurprised3The teacher impressed the importance of English to me._【答案】toon 或upon4Word came the mayor would soon visit our school._【答案】came后加上that5The day they had been looking forward to come at last._【答案】comecame6The production now is three times it was ten years ago._【答案】it前加上what.微写作【写作素材】1当你上大学后,你应该形成良好的生活态度,积极参加各种各样的活动。2应多了解信息技术,学说一口流利的英语。3只有这样,你才能给你的老师和同学留下好的印象。4我们希望你在学习上有更大的进步。5我们盼望不断地收到你的好消息。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇70词左右的短文)_【答案】After going_to_college,you should develop a good attitude towards/to life and take an active part in all kinds of activities.You should know more about information_technology and learn to speak fluent English.Only in this way can you make_a_good_impression_on your teachers and classmates.We hope you can make_greater_progress in your study and we are looking_forward_to receiving your good news continually.
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