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Unit 3 Unde rthe sea-Section.汉译英1嘈杂的声响把那个小女孩吓得要死。 _2你意识到自己做错事了吗?_3“不要靠老虎太近,”妈妈嘱咐儿子。_4你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?_5我特别喜欢听流行音乐。_.同义句转换1Because he had not been invited to the party,he went out for a trip instead._2A wolf is so clever that it missed being caught by the hunter._3He was careless,which led to his teams being punished._4He doesnt mind if he is played joke on._5We saw the winner being held up overhead._.单项填空1I wish youd do _ talking and some more work.Thus things will become better.Aa bit lessBany less Cmuch more Da little more2A cat rushing out of the room _ the little girl _.Ascared;dead Bscared;to deathCscared;to die Dscared;death3Playing with a cell phone,he suddenly _ the teacher staring at him.Aknew of Bbecame aware ofCreflected Daware for4When I called,Tom _ dinner.Awas having Bwere about to have Chave had Dhad5My nephew is so naughty that he often hangs from the little tree _ and swings back and forth.Aup to Bthe upsides and downsidesCupside down Ddown and out.完形填空John Perry stood up and looked around again.The island had been a good place to find shells.But now how could he make the _1_ move out to sea.?If they swam out to sea he could jump in and get to shore _2_ they saw him.He saw the sharks rolling and playing.Their _3_ was now gone and they were killing for fun.How could he make them move away?He drew his knife from his belt.Sharks can _4_ blood,he thought.He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the _5_.The blood ran out and he caught it on his white shirt.When the shirt was red and wet he tied some cloth around his leg to _6_ the flow of blood.He then tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt,threw it into the water and _7_ it with the piece of cloth.The sharks smelled the blood and came _8_ toward the shirt.He ran down the sand reef pulling the shirt and the sharks raced after it.He was _9_ them away from shore.Suddenly he dropped the cloth,turned toward the _10_ and ran as fast as he could.He jumped in the water and swam.He was halfway across _11_he turned to look back.A high bony fin(鳍) was_12_ through the water toward him.He put his face in the water and kicked and splashed himself_13_ as fast as he could.The shore was near now.He lifted his head again to _14_ and he saw the shore very near.From behind he left the water rush toward him,almost pushing him,helping him.And then a great gray body hit him and almost rolled him over in the water.He touched the shore with _15_ and he pulled himself up the stones.The shark,_16_ by the smell of blood and the chase (追逐),went wildly after him.Its great body crashed against _17_. The end came quickly and the water was covered with the sharks blood.The injured shark was eaten up_18_ by others as it tried to escape.Perry slowly struggled _19_ his feet.“So,” he said,“you did not get me.” And he looked down at the sharks still eating_20_ they werent hungry.He climbed up the stones and walked toward the village.1A.boats Bsharks Csoldiers Dshells2A.before Bafter Cuntil Dwhen3A.food Bhunger Canger Dwish4A.fear Btaste Cdrink Dsmell5A.sand Bshark Cflesh Dmeat6A.stop Bkeep Cjoin Dcause7A.pulled Bwrapped Cconnected Dcaught8A.running Bracing Cswimming Djumping9A.driving Bkeeping Cpreventing Dleading10A.sea Bshore Cisland Dsand11A.before Bwhile Cunless Dwhen12A.going Brunning Ccutting Dswimming13A.forward Bbackward Cupward Ddownward14A.cry Bbreathe Cswim Descape15
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