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Unit 20 New Frontiers课时练2知识运用板块练 完形填空If youre the smartest person in your circle, youre in the wrong circleyouve outgrown it.Its time to move to the next _1_This saying encourages people to _2_ more by hanging out with those who are more driven and _3_ than they are.I heard this saying _4_ to me from my daughters friend this past week.Ally, Wes and I have been running for upcoming _5_Im going to do another 5K and Ally and Wes are going to do the 12mile obstacle course._6_, their training is more intense than mine, but when I was in _7_ with them last week, Wes suddenly said, “You should _8_with us!”“You mean do what youre doing?” I asked, with a surprised _9_ on my face.“Exactly,” he answered.“You can do it! You _10_ need someone to push you.”As much as I _11_ to admit it, he was right.I needed to _12_ outside my comfort zone.I always let them run ahead of me, content to run at my own comfortable pace.But that was the _13_Id grown too comfortable with my training.I hadnt been pushing myself. Ever since I had the surgery in April, I was a little _14_ about running again.I was afraid to even try _15_ that night when Wes pushed me into itand outside my comfort zone.He was right! I was able to runonly about 5 minutes at a time before I had to walk againbut it was a(n) _16_And that was all I needed to get back at itno longer afraid to train harder.Recently I have _17_ my “training circle” to include Ally and Wes, and he wasnt afraid to push me.So, how are the circles in your life? Are you being _18_ in every area of your life, or are you very comfortable these days, not being _19_ at all, still living inside your comfort zone? If youre the most _20_ one, then its time to get into a new circle or at least add to your existing ones.【解题导语】如果你在一个圈子里首屈一指的话,那么你就该改变一下,走出安乐窝了。1A.pattern Blevel Citem DstandardB解析:根据文章第一句话可知,此处指是改变圈子,也就是移动到下一个“层级(level)”的时候了。2A.appreciate BpayCachieve DsolveC解析:这句话鼓励人们“取得(achieve)”更多的成就。3A.honest BexperiencedCpotential DmatureB解析:根据语境及空前的“more driven”可知,此处指与那些更有干劲和“经验丰富的(experienced)”人为伍,向他们学习。4A.directly BimmediatelyCsuddenly DgraduallyA解析:此处指上周作者从女儿的朋友口中听到了这句“直接(directly)”对自己说的话。5A.sports BexamsCraces DperformancesC解析:从下文的“another 5K”“the 12mile obstacle course”可知,此处指的是即将到来的“竞赛(races)”。6A.Hopefully BThankfullyCFortunately DObviouslyD解析:根据语境可知,作者的女儿及其朋友的训练强度“明显(Obviously)”大于作者的。7A.company Blove Ctouch DrelationA解析:根据下文的“You mean do what youre doing”可知,此处指但是上周,当作者“和他们一起(company)”去训练时,Wes对作者说作者应该和他们一起参加同样强度的“训练(train)”。in company with sb.意为“和某人一起”。8A.play Bexercise Ctrain DgoC解析:参见上题解析。9A.appearance BviewCmanner DlookD解析:对于Wes这样的提议,作者应该是觉得不可思议,因而脸上流露出一副吃惊的“表情(look)”。10A.still Bjust Ceven DneverB解析:根据语境可知,此处指Wes说:“你能做到,你只是(just)需要有人敦促你”。11A.expected Bagreed Chated DfailedC解析:根据语境可知,此处指作者心中明白Wes说的是对的,就是“不愿意(hated)”承认。12A.spread Bshift Cimmigrate DstepD解析:此处指作者需要“走出(step)”自己的安乐窝。13A.opinion Bsight Ccomment DproblemD解析:呼应首段首句,指作者以自己觉得舒服的速度来训练,这就是“问题(problem)”所在。14A.particular Bnervous Cconfused DexcitedB解析:此处是倒叙,指作者四月份动了手术之后,对再次跑步感到有点“紧张(nervous)”。下文中的“afraid”亦是提示。15A.since Bif Cafter DuntilD解析:那时候也是Wes鼓励作者重新开始跑步的。在Wes敦促作者之前,作者甚至都不敢试一下。until“直到为止,在以前”。16A.stop Bstart Cend DdistanceB解析:作者之前害怕跑步,后来能跑五分钟,这是个(好的)“开始(start)”。 17A.entered Btraced Cdrawn DenlargedD解析:根据语境可知,最近作者“扩大(enlarged)”了训练圈子。18A.shocked BchallengedCstricken DfrightenedB解析:根据语境可知,此处指的是你在生活中的任何一个领域都挑战自我吗?challenge“挑战”符合语境。19A.shaken Bstretched Cpunished DstimulatedB解析:这些天你是否依然非常舒服地生活在你的安乐窝里,没有“全力以赴(stretched)”?stretch“使全力以赴,使发挥出全部本领”。20A.confident Bspecial Csuitable DindependentC解析:如果你是圈子中最“适合的(suitable)”,那么是时候进到一个新的圈子里了。 语法填空(2018合肥市第一次教学质检)It is well known that the Chinese have great respect for their elders, and here is an occasion to show itthe Chongyang Festival. It falls 1._ the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. In Chinese, nine 2._ (regard) as the number of “yang”. The ninth day of the ninth month is the day that has two“yang” numbers, and “chong” in Chinese means double, which is 3._ the name “Chongyang” came into being.The festival can date back to the Warring States Period. However, it was not 4._ (formal) set as a festival until the Tang Dynasty. In 1989, the Chinese government 5._(declare) the ninth day of the ninth lunar month to be the Seniors Daya day to respect 6._ elderly and to let them enjo
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