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Unit 24 Society课时练2知识运用板块练 完形填空The other evening we had a knock at the door. It was a new _1_ who introduced himself and his boys to us.He also _2_ us to a block party as a way to know the people in the neighborhood as well as celebrating the first anniversary of his two _3_ sons coming to live with him.Weve lived here for almost six years and _4_ has ever come to introduce themselves. I suppose we should have _5_ it on to introduce ourselves to people moving in, but we havent.In my opinion, it took the initiative(首创) of a young _6_ and his adopted sons to show me how I could _7_ better attention to my own community. We have many _8_ friends but I have to admit that I havent usually been the one to develop the _9_ in my own neighborhood.This experience _10_ me of one of my favorite quotes, “When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was _11_ to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldnt change the nation, I began to _12_ my town. I couldnt change the town and as a(n) _13_ man, I tried to change my _14_. Now, as an old man, I _15_ the only thing I can change is myself, and _16_ I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact(影响) on my family and _17_ on my town. The impact could have changed the nation and I could _18_ have changed the world.”For those of us who want to make a(n) _19_ in the world, its important to remember “Think globally, but _20_ locally.” For me, Im going to make it a point to meet more of my neighborsstarting now.【解题导语】新搬来的邻居主动上门作自我介绍,并邀请作者参加社区聚会,这让作者有了很多感慨。要想改变世界,首先要改变自己。作者决定从身边做起,多见一些邻居,关注自己的社区。1A.strangerBclassmateCbeggar DneighborD解析: 根据下文的“as a way to know the people in the neighborhood”及第二段中的“I suppose.to introduce ourselves to people moving in”可知,敲门的是一个新邻居。故选D。2A.invited BcommandedCpersuaded DencouragedA解析: 此处指邀请“我们”参加一个街区聚会。invite“邀请”;command“命令”;persuade“说服”;encourage“鼓励”。故选A。3A.adopted BacceptedCadapted DannoyedA解析: 根据下文的“his adopted sons”可知,他要庆祝和他收养的儿子一起生活一周年。故选A。4A.anyone BsomeoneCeveryone Dno oneD解析: 根据下文的“I suppose we should have.the initiative(首创) of a young _ and his adopted sons”可知,“我们”已经住在这里将近六年了,从没有人过来介绍他们自己。故选D。5A.put BmadeCtaken DturnedC解析: 此处指“我们”本应承担向搬进来的人作自我介绍的责任。故选C。take on“承担(责任)”。6A.student BmanCwoman DmotherB解析: 根据上文可知,新搬来的是一位男士和他收养的孩子们。故选B。7A.draw BloseCpay DofferC解析: 此处指更好地关注“我”自己的社区。故选C。pay attention to“注意”。8A.foreign BlocalCold DrichB解析: “我们”有许多当地的(local)朋友,但“我”不得不承认,“我”通常不会在“我”自己的街区发展友谊。故选B。9A.trouble BfriendshipCconcern DbusinessB解析: 参见上题解析。故选B。10A.reminded BtoldCwarned DconvincedA解析: remind sb.of sth.“使某人想起某事”;tell sb.sth.“告诉某人某事”; warn sb.of sth.“警告某人某事”;convince sb.of sth.“使某人相信某事”。根据搭配首先排除B;这个经历使“我”想起了“我”最喜欢的引言之一。故选A。11A.difficult BeasyCinteresting DrightA解析: 根据下文的“so I tried to change my nation”可知,此处表示“我发现改变世界是很难的”。故选A。12A.make out Bconcentrate onCget into Drefer toB解析: “当我发现不能改变国家时,我就开始致力于改变我所在的城镇”。make out“辨认出,理解”;concentrate on“集中精力于”;get into“开始参与”; refer to“参考,提及”。故选B。13A.smarter ByoungerColder DtallerC解析: 上文讲述自己年轻时的想法,下文说自己作为一个老人的想法,以时间为序陈述。故选C。14A.state BfamilyCtown DmindB解析: 根据下文可知,“我意识到如果以前改变自己,就可以改变家庭、城镇、国家乃至世界”。故选B。15A.explain BforgetCrealize DregretC解析: “如今,作为一名老人,我意识到唯一能改变的是自己”。故选C。16A.happily BsuddenlyCactually DluckilyB解析: 此处指突然间意识到。故选B。17A.merely BstillConly DevenD解析: 此处表示递进关系。merely“仅仅”;still“仍然”;only“仅仅”; even“甚至”。故选D。18A.indeed BhardlyCnever DseldomA解析: 此处表示“我确实本来可以改变世界”,为肯定意义,排除B、C和D;indeed“确实,甚至”;hardly“几乎不”;never“从不”;seldom“很少,不常”。故选A。19A.decision BdifferenceCapology DmistakeB解析: 此处指“那些想要对世界产生影响的人”。make a decision“做决定”;make a difference“有影响,起作用”;make an apology“道歉”;make a mistake“出错”。故选B。20A.behave BactCmove DoperateB解析: 该句表示“放眼全球,立足地方”,指可进行全球化思考,但要在当地采取行动。behave“举止,表现”;act“行动”;move“移动”;operate“操作”。故选B。 语法填空I can still recall the day when I sat on the stairs of a temple in Nepal.The square before the temple 1._(become) very muddy as a result of the rain.We had to walk on a path made by a line of bricks on the muddy ground.A friend of 2._(I) complained all the way while she stepped on the bricks 3._(walk) towards me.Looking around she said very 4._(patience), “Disgusting indeed! What 5._ I fall into the dirty water?”Since I knew her very well, I nodded cautiously 6._(comfort) her by my silent sympathy.A few minutes later another friend came 7._ the same scene.She stepped on the brick path dancing briskly and singing, “Jump, jump, jump!” until she reached the dry ground.She couldnt help shouting, “8._ fun it is!” Eyes beaming with joy, she made the remarks, “The most pleasan
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