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Module 2 The Renaissance .单句语法填空1She came to _ crossroads,where she was at _ loss which way to take.【答案】a;a2The whole construction of our society depends _ mutual trust,not distrust.【答案】on3_ (admit) to a key university,all the students in Senior 3 are making great efforts to study.【答案】To be admitted4Mr.Chang cannot be here for some reason,so his wife will accept the prize _ behalf of him.【答案】on5The information _ (obtain) from the Internet is not always true,so we should learn to check the facts we find on websites.【答案】obtained6How close parents are to their children has a great effect _ the character of the children.【答案】on/upon7Chinas first aircraft carrier,_ (measure) as long as 304 meters,was handed over to the Peoples Liberation Army Navy in 2012.【答案】measuring8Facing the colorful world,it is often difficult to decide what to take and what to leave _.【答案】behind9_ (have) little such material left,they decided to hold a meeting to discuss what _ (do)【答案】Having;to do10Anything else to say for yourself?Well,dear judge,I _ never _ (seek) to hide my views.【答案】have;sought.用所给短语的适当形式填空leave.behind,depend on,set.aside,up to,take up,be thirsty for1I _ two hours every Sunday afternoon to spend with my family.【答案】set aside2We cant _ his arriving here on time.【答案】depend on3They had moved out and _ nothing.【答案】left behind4He likes to have control over everyone;that is,he_power.【答案】is thirsty for5Marx _ English study in his fifties,but he translated several English books.【答案】took up6The job is demanding;Im afraid he isnt _ it.【答案】up to.完成句子1他们正在讨论去哪里度假。They are talking about _ they will go to spend their holiday.【答案】where2我不知道下一步该怎么做。I dont know _.【答案】what to do next3这些广告攻势对销售额并没有起到多大作用。The advertising campaign didnt _ sales.【答案】have much effect on4人们认为将近有50万人因为灾难已离开了他们的家园。Nearly half a million people _ their homes as a result of the disaster.【答案】are believed to have left5我正在考虑怎样处理这个问题。I am thinking about _ the problem.【答案】how to deal with6下次你决定穿什么或用什么颜色来装饰你的房间,仔细考虑一下颜色。The next time you are deciding on _ or _ your room,think about the color carefully.【答案】what to wear;what color to decorate.单句改错1You have been worked for hours.You should stop to have a rest._【答案】workedworking2Fishing,you know,is his best favorite._【答案】去掉best3It was a relaxed evening with friends,and we all enjoyed ourselves._【答案】relaxedrelaxing4The moment when I saw her,I told her the good news._【答案】去掉when5There is no doubt whether he can pass the test._【答案】whetherthat6At the sound of the shot,the birds flew away to all the directions._【答案】去掉all后的the.微写作【写作素材】1刘老师从1990年开始在一所农村学校从事教师工作。2他是个有才华的老师,从不厌倦他的工作。3他经常激励学生努力学习。他对学生有好的影响。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_【答案】Mr.Liu took_up his job as a teacher in a rural school in 1990.He is a gifted teacher and never gets_tired_of his work.He often inspires his students to study hard and he has a good effect on his students.
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