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Unit 23Conflict(A).阅读理解A(2017山东部分重点中学第一次调研)Music icon Bob Dylan will not attend the Nobel ceremony in December because he has other commitments,the Swedish Academy said on Wednesday.“The Swedish Academy received a personal letter from Bob Dylan yesterday where he explained that he could not make himself available in December.” it said in a statement.“He wishes that he could accept the award personally,but other commitments make it unfortunately impossible.He underlined that he felt incredibly honored by the Nobel Prize,”it added.The Swedish Academy said it respected Dylans decision,but that it was “unusual”for a Nobel laureate not to come to Stockholm to accept the award in person.Nobel laureates are honored every year on December 10the death anniversary of the prizes founder Alfred Nobel,a Swedish industrialist,inventor and philanthropist.Several other literature prize winners have skipped the Nobel ceremony in the past for various reasonsBritish writer Doris Lessing on grounds of ill health,British playwright Harold Pinter because he was hospitalized and Austrian playwright and novelist Elfriede Jelinek due to social phobia.“We look forward to Bob Dylans Nobel lecture,which he must carry outit is the only requirementwithin six months starting from December 10,2016,”the academy said.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了2016年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者Bob Dylan缺席颁奖仪式的故事。1What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AReceiving a personal letterBExpressing himself in a statementCFeeling honored by the awardDAccepting the award personallyD考查代词指代。根据第三段的“He wishes that he could accept the award personally”可推知,此处的it代指的是亲自去领奖。2What is the Swedish Academys attitude towards Bob Dylans decision?ASupportive.BOpposite.CIndifferent.DTolerant.D考查观点态度。根据第三段的“The Swedish Academy said it respected Dylans decision,but that it wasunusualfor a Nobel laureate not to come to Stockholm to accept the award in person”可知,瑞典文学院对Dylan的缺席表示尊重。3What is the best title of the passage?AThe Nobel Prize Goes to Music Icon Bob DylanBLaureate Bob Dylan Will Be Absent for the Nobel CeremonyCBob Dylana Music Icon Who Won the NobelPrizeDA Great Anniversary Eventthe NobelCeremonyB考查标题判断。根据第一段“Music icon Bob Dylan will not attend the Nobel ceremony in December because he has other commitments,the Swedish Academy said on Wednesday”可推知,本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍了2016年诺贝尔文学奖获得者Bob Dylan缺席颁奖仪式的事件。4According to the passage,which of the following is true?ABob Dylan informed the Swedish Academy of his absence by telephone.BThe Nobel ceremony is in memory of the birth of the prizes founder.CElfriede skipped the Nobel ceremony because of physical illness.DAccording to the Swedish Academy,the deadline of Dylans lecture is June 10,2017.D考查细节理解。根据最后一段“We look forward to Bob Dylans Nobel lecture,which he must carry outit is the only requirementwithin six months starting from December 10,2016,the academy said”可知,Bob Dylan演讲的最后期限是2017年6月10号。B 【导学号:33220215】(2017湖南十三校第一次联考)ShowroomingOne of the biggest challenges facing brickandmortar retailers(实体零售店) in recent years has been the“showrooming”Driven by the desire to get the best prices,many shoppers are now visiting brickandmortar stores to personally check on products that interest them,only to leave and then buy the items online.The new trend is forcing retailers to find out new ways to keep consumers from leaving their store for cheaper prices online.Recent research found that 40 percent of US.shoppers have showroomed previously,with big box retailers suffering the most.Specifically,the study shows that Best Buy,Walmart and Target are the most likely brickandmortar stores to have shoppers test out a product instore and then purchase it online later,while Amazon is benefiting most from the practice,with nearly 60 percent of shoppers using the online retail giant(巨人) most often to make their showrooming purchases.Smartphones have pushed showrooming into the front.Shoppers no longer have to wait until they get home to see if they can find a cheaper price for the products theyre considering buying.With smartphones,consumers can now compare virtual prices,at both other brickandmortar stores and online ones while still inside a retail store.If they can find what theyre seeking for less expensive online,the majority will be seeking the first exitA recent study showed that 45 percent of customers shopping at brickandmortar stores walk out and buy their purchases online for a discount of as little as 2.5 percent.This puts pressure on retailers to provide both an instore experience worth staying for and an online presence that can attract shoppers who are showrooming in other businesses.To cut down on showrooming,many retailers are adopting new methods to keep shoppers in their stores.Among the steps theyre taking are pricematching guarantees that allow shoppers to pay a discounted price if they f
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