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Unit 2The Olympic Games话题词汇1athlete n运动员2champion n冠军3cheer v欢呼;喝彩4judge n裁判;v.判断5tournament n锦标赛;联赛6track n轨道;田径7a close game势均力敌的比赛8break the record打破纪录9compete in在方面竞争10record holder纪录保持者话题佳作假如你是张华,你的外国朋友Tom给你写了一封信,谈了他观看残奥会(the Paralympic Games)的感想。请你结合以下要点给他写一封英文信,和他交流一下你观看残奥会后的感受。词数100左右。要点:1残奥运动员乐观向上的生活态度值得我们学习;2残奥运动员顽强拼搏的精神值得我们钦佩;3作为健康人,我们更应该珍惜这种幸运,热爱生活。参考词汇:cherish珍惜佳作欣赏Dear Tom,Im very glad to receive your letter.You said you were deeply touched by those players excellent performance while watching the Paralympic Games.So was I.At first,I was moved by the disabled players optimistic attitude towards life.Although they are not as healthy as normal people,they still love life wholeheartedly.In order to win the games,they have to work much harder than healthy people.However,they never give up.That is what we should learn from them.Being healthy people,we are so lucky and we should cherish what we own and try our best to live a meaningful life.Dont you think so?Yours,Zhang Hua名师点睛本篇习作结构比较清晰,使用词汇恰当准确,全文有整体性也比较连贯。作者使用了比较丰富的词汇,如touch,excellent performance,optimistic attitude,wholeheartedly等。同时还成功地使用了一些较高级的句式,如倒装句“So was I”,让步状语从句 “Although they are not as healthy as normal people,they still love life wholeheartedly.”,表语从句 “That is what we should learn from them.”。这些都体现了作者对词汇和句式有较好的运用能力。A写作必记单词1compete vi.比赛;竞争(1)competitor n竞争者competition n比赛;竞争competitive adj.竞争的,有竞争性的(2)Max will compete in a race with/against others for the first place.(填介词)2admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳(1)admission n准许进入;承认;入场费(2)admit doing sth.承认做某事admitn.to be.承认是(3)However,according to the latest news,her elder daughter has been admitted into/to Yale University as well as Harvard University.(admit .to/into.接纳进入)(4)He had to admit that he had done wrong.(同义句转换)He had to admit having done/doing wrong.用法点拨(1)表示“承认做了某事”,其后通常接动名词,不接不定式。(2)表示“允许进入某处”时,不接不定式的复合结构。3host vt.做东;主办;招待;n.主人4replace vt.取代;替换;代替They replaced their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.(填介词)(2015浙江)5charge vt.& vi.收费;控诉;n.费用;主管(1)I wonder how much you charge for your service.(填介词)(2)The police charged him with careless driving.(同义句转换)The police accused him of careless driving.(3)Its what this place offers,and its free of charge (免费)(2014湖北)(4)He is in charge of the class.The class is in the charge of him.(用the class作主语改写)He takes charge of the class.(用take charge of改写)6bargain vi.讨价还价;讲条件;n.便宜货(1)I bargained with the taxi driver about/over the price.(填介词)(2)This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price.(填冠词)7foolish adj.愚蠢的;傻的(1)fool n愚人,傻瓜;vt.愚弄,欺骗(2)I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model.(填介词)(2015全国)8deserve vi.& vt.应受;值得(1)To do her justice,we must admit that she did deserve to win(win)(2)Yet,these ordinary jobs are also necessary and deserve our respect.(同义句转换)Yet,these ordinary jobs are also necessary and deserve to be respected.Yet,these ordinary jobs are also necessary and deserve respecting.用法点拨(1)因本身含有“理应”之意,所以通常不可再与should,ought to,have to,can,may等连用,以避免语义重复。(2)后接动词时通常用不定式,若所接动词表示被动意义,也可用动名词。B阅读识记单词9ancient adj.古代的;古老的10medal n奖章;勋章;纪念章11volunteer n志愿者;志愿兵;adj.志愿的;义务的;vt.& vi.自愿voluntary adj.自愿的12homeland n祖国;本国13regular adj.规则的;定期的;常规的14athlete n运动员;运动选手athletics n体育运动;竞技15slave n奴隶slavery n奴隶制度16nowadays adv.现今;现在17responsibility n责任;职责(1)responsible adj.有责任心的(2)be responsible for/take responsibility for为负责18motto n座右铭;格言;警句19swift adj.快的;迅速的20physical adj.物理的;身体的physics n物理;物理学physician n医生,医师;内科医生21fine vt.罚款22poster n海报;招贴23advertise vt.& vi.做广告;登广告advertisement n广告24glory n光荣;荣誉glorious adj.光荣的25hopeless adj.绝望的;没有希望的26pain n疼痛;痛苦(1)No pain,no gain.不劳无获。(2)take pains to do.费心做1take part in参加;参与2stand for代表;象征;表示(1)UN stands(stand) for the United Nations.(2)The letters UN stand(stand) for the United Nations.(3)He has been acting very strangely these days.I cant stand for his actions at all.(写出加黑短语的汉语意思)容忍;忍受3every four years (every fourth year)每四年4be admitted as.被接纳为5play an important role in扮演重要角色;起重要作用6as well又;也;还(1)as well as和一样好;不但而且(2)In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit to be enjoyed by all,the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus,as well as promoting(promote) reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools.(3)The doctor said I might as well(不妨) be a doctor or a nurse.(2014四川)(4)The famous musician,as well as his students,was invited(invite) to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.(5)The workers want to reduce working hours as well as increase their pay.(用not only.but also.的倒装结构改写)Not only do the workers want to increase their pay,but they also want to
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