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Unit 1I hope that you can join us one day.单词拼写1.I cant stand the background(背景) music in the film.2.There will be an international(国际的) meeting in Beijing.3.Zheng He is a great national(民族的) hero in Chinese history.4.Zhang Yimou is a great director(导演) in China.Many people like his films.5.This is a good chance to do some interviews(采访) with the film stars.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Mary is a little poor at maths.I think she needs to practise(practise) speaking.2.Please avoid making(make) the same mistake again.3.This boy keeps asking(ask) the teacher some questions about English.4.Whats the meaning of the word “sorrow”?It means “sadness”.(mean)5.Thank you for inviting(invite) me to come to your party.完成句子,每空一词1.你可以带我参观一下你们的工厂吗?Could you please show me around your factory?2.我不知道何时动身去北京。I dont know when to leave for Beijing.3.你知道怎样避免犯这样一个错误吗?Do you know how to avoid making such a mistake?4.梅梅每天坚持弹两个小时的钢琴。Meimei keeps practising the piano for two hours every day.5.明天有雨,请记得带雨伞。It will rain tomorrow.Please remember to bring your umbrella.单项选择1.导学号82654180On Radio Beijing everyone needs D English . A.speaking;goodB.speak;wellC.speaking;wellD.to speak;well 2.I got up late this morning,C I couldnt catch up with the bus.A.orB.andC.soD.but3.You must be more careful and C the same mistakes youve ever made.A.planB.followC.avoidD.enjoy4.导学号82654181Its time for CCTV news.Lets Athe TV set and watch it.A.turn onB.get onC.try onD.put on5.The reporter from CCTV will B the famous scientist tomorrow.A.showB.interviewC.treatD.mention.选词或短语填空on air,do interviews,internation,the end of,avoid1.Listen!The programme is on air.2.Shanghai has become an international city now.3.You should avoid being late for your class.4.I sang a song at the end of the party.5.Mr.Hill was a reporter.He would do interviews about some famous players in the afternoon.综合填空(2017山东莱芜)More than 95% of the people in the world have phones today.They help us easily make contact(联系)with others.It means that we 1.hardly write letters now.But a TV show,Letters Alive,is bringing 2.back this old habit.The show is loved by people around China.It invites a famous actor or actress who walks up to a microphone(麦克风)and reads a 3.letter.People wrote the letters from different times in history.We can experience the real lives and 4.feelings of the writers.Besides it,another TV show,Readers,is also 5.popular.It invites different people to read aloud on the stage,and 6.tell the touching stories behind them.They can read anything,like poems and books.Now the 7.show gives people a special place,a reading pavilion(朗读亭),to read all over China.Reading pavilions are now in some 8.cities like Shanghai,Hangzhou and Xian.The pavilion is quite 9.small.Only one person can come into it each time.A microphone in it records peoples voices.Some of the readers will be picked and invited to 10.read on TV.Cultural values and true feelings are the keys to winning praise.Both shows are leading Chinese people to enjoy reading.In fact,this is also what our country is trying to do now.
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