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Unit 4 Wildlife protection.品句填词(用所给词的适当形式或根据语境写一个合适的词)1I appreciate being_given (give) the opportunity to work in your company two years ago.2This medicine is harmless (harm) to adults when taken properly. However, it may be harmful (harm) to children under 12 when overtaken.3We all dream of our country becoming more and more powerful (power), ranking the top.4These phenomena are supposed to be of great importance as they may affect weather and radio communication.5Some people who are very intelligent and successful (success) in their fields find it difficult to learn new languages.6To our relief (relieve), the missing child returned home ten days later, tired but healthy.7The financial crisis is different this time in that the people at the top are being affected/have been affected (affect) as well. 8Here are some responses (respond) by teenagers to the writers questions. They may help us to think about things differently.9Scientists have many theories about how the universe came into being.10The animalis_being_hunted (hunt) illegally nowadays with the belief that it can cure cancer.单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法)1As a result of the tense situation between the two countries, the number of tourists has decreased 20%. 2Although the archaeology is developing rapidly, no one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died . 3Deeply by his words, the teacher decided to give him one more chance to prove his ability. 4In remote mountainous countryside, not only crops, but also family incomes are at mercy of rain clouds. 5I would appreciate if you could help me solve the problem. 6He donated one thousand dollars in the response to the request that a library should be built for the village. 7. in writing his novel, he didnt have time to help his wife with their family, leaving all the chores to her. 8It is reported that two primary schools, both of are being built, will open next September. 9Our advertising campaign has succeeded attracting more customers, which delights our boss very much. 10Citizens strongly require that special attention should be paid to protecting the environment from /.课文语法填空Daisy took a 1flying (fly) carpet and asked it to take her to a 2distant (distance) land where she could find the animal that gave fur to make her sweater. First she arrived in Tibet where she found an antelope looking sad because they 3were_being_killed (kill) for their wool and fur. Then they got to Zimbabwe where she saw an elephant looking excited. Elephants there used to be an 4endangered (danger) species, which were hunted by farmers, but 5in relief with the help of the government, their numbers6.were_increasing (increase). She finally reached a rainforest. A monkey was over his body rubbing a millipede insect 7which/that contained a powerful drug because it could protect him 8from mosquitoes. So Daisy decided to produce this new drug 9with the help of WWF. As they landed, things began to 10disappear (appear), but Daisy learned a lot from the experience.
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