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考前30天 第2天1tense adj. 心烦意乱的,紧张的2tension n. 紧张3terrify vt. 使人感到恐怖4terror n. 惊恐;恐吓5thrill v. 使颤动;使感到兴奋6tolerate v. 忍受;容忍7tremble v. 颤抖8typical adj. 典型的9ugly adj. 丑陋的; 难看的10unable adj. 不能的,不能胜任的11unbelievable adj. 难以置信的,不可信的12unconditional adj. 无条件的,绝对的,无限制的13undertake(undertook,undertaken)v.承担;从事14unique adj. 独特的,稀罕的,唯一的15unite v. 联合,团结16universal adj. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的17upset adj. 心烦的,苦恼的18urban adj. 城市的,住在城市的19urge v. 催促,驱策,力劝20urgent adj. 紧急的,急迫的1be of no good 没有好处do good to 对有益do sb.good 对某人有好处2make up for 补偿,弥补make out 辨认出make sense 有道理(意义),讲得通make up 编造;组成;构成;补齐,凑足,和解make good/full use of. 充分利用make preparations for. 为作准备make room for. 为腾空间3by/under the name of 以为名字in the name of 以某人的名义name.after sb. 以某人名字命名1No matter疑问词/疑问词ever引导的让步状语从句“无论”No matter what/Whatever the boy wants,his father will do whatever he can to satisfy him.无论男孩想要什么,他爸爸都会想方设法来满足他。2for one thing.for another.“一方面另一方面”For one thing,I will keep you company to visit numerous great places of interest and enjoy the wonderful sightseeing.For another,I am going to tell you the long and rich history of Beijing.一方面,我会陪伴你参观许多名胜并欣赏美丽的风景;另一方面,我会给你讲述北京悠久而丰富的历史。3adj.as/though主语be.“虽然”Difficult as/though the article is to write,I managed to finish it within the set time.虽然这篇文章难写,但我还是在规定的时间内把它写完了。社会(Society)(2015吉林省长春市第三次质检)假定你是红星中学的李华,你校正在开展提高社会公德的活动。请你根据下列要点,用英文写一篇演讲稿。1不守公德的现象;2改进的方法;3呼吁。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear friends,nowadays we can still see some behavior against public morals._Thank you!One possible version:Dear_friends,nowadays_we_can_still_see_some_behavior_against_public_morals.As is often the case,people tend to talk loud in public places,annoying others around.Spitting and littering rubbish can be seen everywhere.Whats more,its common that the young or middle aged sit on the bus while the elderly stand.Measures must be taken to change this situation.First of all,as students,we should manage our own behavior and help people around us form good habits.Meanwhile,it is necessary for the government and authorized organizations to encourage people to behave properly.Dont underestimate the role you can play.Do remember,we can make a difference! Take action right now!Thank_you!
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