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考前30天 第4天1sacrifice vt. 牺牲2sceptical(Ame skeptical)adj.怀疑的3schedule n&v. 时刻表;安排4scold vt. 责骂5security n. 安全6seek (sought,sought) vt. 试图; 探寻7sensitive adj. 敏感的;灵敏的8shabby adj. 破旧的,破烂的,衣衫褴褛的9shrink(shrank,shrunk/shrunk,shrunken) v.缩水;收缩10sigh vi. 叹息; 叹气11sign n. 符号,标记12signal n. 信号,暗号13significance n. 重要性14sincerely adv. 真诚地15sob n&v. 抽泣,啜泣16solution n. 解决方法17sorrow n. 悲伤,悲痛18spiritual adj. 精神的; 心灵的19stable adj. 稳定的20staff n. 全体员工;职工1come about 发生,产生come across 偶然相遇come on 过来,跟我来,加油,来吧,赶快come out 露出;出来;出现;出版;发(芽),(花)开come up 被提出;上来,走近;上升;长出来come up with 提出;想出(主意);找出(答案);赶上2date back to/from 追溯到;远在年代go back to 追溯到up to date 最近的;最新的out of date 过时的make a date with sb. 与某人约会3in the end 最后,结果end with 以结束end in 落得的结果;以而告终come to an end 结束;告终;完结make ends meet 量入为出1There is no denying that.“不可否认”There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life.不可否认安全在我们日常生活中起着重要的作用。2It is/was no surprise/wonder that.“不足为怪。”She is warmhearted,so it is no surprise/wonder that she always helps those who are in trouble.她是一个热心肠的人,因此她经常帮助那些处于困境的人们就不足为怪了。3It is no use/good doing sth.“做某事没有用处。”In fact,it is no use complaining that you dont have an opportunity to get an ideal job.事实上,你抱怨没有机会得到理想工作是没有用的。热点话题(Topical issues)(1)(2015河北省石家庄市一模)假定你是李华。近年来电子红包在中国正成为一种时尚。请你给你的美国朋友Peter写一封信,介绍有关情况。要点包括:1电子红包的特点;2时间、途径;3参与人群;4你的看法。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3参考词汇电子红包ehongbao。Dear Peter,Im writing to tell you something about ehongbao,which is becoming popular in China._Best wishes!Yours,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear_Peter,Im_writing_to_tell_you_something_about_ehongbao,which_is_becoming_popular_in_China.Ehongbao is actually a kind of lucky money from and to relatives and friends during festivals or on special occasions.For many young people,grabbing ehongbao on their mobile phones is a fairly common and exciting activity.Unlike the tradition of elders giving lucky money to children,over half of the people sending ehongbao are in their 20s.Its just for fun or giving best wishes,while the sum of money matters little.In a word,ehongbao is bringing new color to the old tradition.Nevertheless,Im concerned about the safety of online payment.So rules and regulations need to be improved regarding the ehongbao system to guarantee its operation.Best_wishes!Yours,Li_Hua
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