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第十六组 (建议用时:30分钟).单项填空1Will you join us in the party this Saturday evening?If I _,I would;but I will have left for Japan on business by then.Awas freeBwere to be freeChad been free Dwould be free2. Well, Ive changed my mind about going to Sydney._? My father has fallen ill in hospital.AHows your father BWhy notCHow are you DHows that3Chinese citizens,_ to enter Maldives visafree last year, have already included the country into their list of the most popular tourist destinations.Ato be allowed Bbeing allowedChaving allowed Dhaving been allowed4The writer is polishing the article _ in a newspaper next week.Apublished Bto be publishedCto publish Dbeing published5The old man is so hardworking a gardener _ quite a few gardens want to hire as a fulltime worker.Athat BasCwhich Dwho6You can either keep the book for yourself or give it to your friend,_ you choose.Awhatever BwheneverCwhichever Dwherever7Mark begins his book with a catalogue of vegetables,_ their benefits for each.Aexplained BexplainingCto have explained Dto explain8This week,a New York City food truck _ hot dogs to passersby on the street.Aput out Bworked outCmade out Dgave out9Do you know this city very well?Yes. I _ here for five years. Its nice to be back again.Ahave lived Blived Chad lived Dwas living10The geography teacher tells us that China has almost the same size as the USA but its population is _ that of the USA.Alarger six times thanBsix times larger thanCsix times as larger asDas six times large as11Our team lost.We have tried our best and it was a good game,_Ahence BthereforeCthen Dthough12The new system in our school allows students to have easy and quick _ to the digital resources of the library.Apassage BaccessCway Dapproach13Can I make an appointment with Dr. Smith this afternoon?Sorry, Im afraid he is not _ because he has a patient to operate on. Aconvenient Bavailable Caccessible Dvalid14I hear that you have passed the theory test of the driving test.Yes,but I will need _ in three weeks.Aone BitCother Danother15Shall he come and have a talk with you?_We can well communicate with each other.AIt couldnt be better BDont mention itCLet me see DIt depends16_ new video player your company has developed will be _ useful tool for young people who are fond of films.AA;不填 BThe;aCThe;an DA;an17Why did you promote him to a position of leadership?_ his qualifications and ideas.AOn behalf of BRegardless ofCOn the basis of DIn relation to18I shall never forget those years _ I studied in the school with all of you,_ has a great effect on my life.Awhen;which Bwhich;thatCthat;which Dwhen;who19By the time the traffic _, we will have run out of gas.Aclears BclearedCwill clear Dhas been clearing20The accident _ if the taxi driver had been more careful.Acould have been preventedBmust have been preventedCcould be preventedDcan have been prevented.完形填空(2015福州质量检测)My grandma is good at gardening. She could make anything bloom(开花)_1_ me. In my eyes, she was inspiring and _2_. For most of her life, she lived on a farm, where she _3_ four children, and buried my grandpa.I visited her on weekends. After the gardening work, I was _4_ to climb the mountain,singing songs and gathering flowers. Sometimes the plants scratched me. She would say,“Beauty has a _5_. I hope it was worth it.”“Yes, mama,” Id say. “_6_ was.”I loved gathering flowers on my own._7_ what I loved best was gathering them with her.Even then, as a child, I knew what I _8_ most from my grandma was not her flowers, but her _9_. Shes been gone for years, but sometimes, when I _10_ down to pick a flower or pull a weed, I see her _11_, not mine.I thought Id _12_ to be a gardener too. I told myself, someday,_13_ my children had children, Id be a gardening grandma. Then the _14_ started showing up, and I discovered Id much rather run after them than go _15_Actually Im no gardener. Im a picker, not a planter. I _16_ from my grandma in lots of ways, but this: I will always carry _17_ me a heart she made from her own.I _18_ plant a garden. My children are my flowers. They _19_ and complete me with a beauty that is worth any price. All I need to do is _20_ them with time, water them with love,and hope that someday, when they hold their first grandchild, they might see my hand.1.A.Not BOnly CEven DOften2A.famous Bcaring Chumorous
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