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1杂志简介:美国国家地理学会(National Geographic Society)成立于 1888年,以“增进并普及地理知识”为宗旨。学会资助了对世界最远的角落的探索,同时还发行了数百种获奖的出版物,包括它的旗舰出版物(the flagship magazine)-国家地理杂志。美国国家地理学会是世界上最大的非赢利性组织和教育机构之一(an American non-profit scientific and educational institution),它拥有一千万会员。国家地理 (NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC)是美国国家地理学会(National Geographic Society)的官方杂志,在国家地理学会 1888年创办的九个月后即开始发行。现在已经成为世界上最广为人知的一本杂志,其封面上的亮黄色边框以及月桂纹图样已经成为象征,同时这些标识也是国家地理杂志的注册商标。杂志每年发行 12次,但偶尔有特版发布则不在此限。杂志内容为高质量的关于社会、历史、世界各地的风土人情的文章(Major topics include culture, nature, geography, ecology, science and technology.);其印刷和图片之质量标准也为人们所称道。这也使得该刊成为来自世界各地的摄影新闻记者们梦想发布自己照片的地方。早在 20世纪初期,国家地理杂志即已经开始使用一些当时罕见的彩色照片。2G e o g r a p h yAn Explosive Wager为火山爆发下注Never mind the World Cup or Super Bowl. With a bevy of volcanoes in various states of agitation, a Dublin bookie offers the chance to cash in on the ones that blow.别再提世界杯或者美国橄榄球超级杯大赛了。由于很多火山群都处于不同的爆发状态,一个都柏林的赌注经纪人向人们提供从爆发的火山中渔利的机会。3Its an investment even more volatile than stocks: the next big volcanic eruption. Well before Icelands blew this year, Irelands largest bookie, paddy power, was letting punters bet on the peak, they deemed most likely to explode. The seven-to-four favorite? Another Icelandic peak, Katla. now sits in fourth place, along with Hawaiis mauna Loa(ten to one). Unlikely to go off, but with a big purse if it does: Yellowstone (50 to one). 赌下一个火山大喷发是一项比股票风险更大的投资。帕迪鲍尔是爱尔兰最大的赌注经纪人。在今年冰岛艾雅法拉火山爆发之前,他让下注者们为认为最可能爆发的火山下注。冰岛的另一个火山,卡特拉火山的投注率是 7:4。艾雅法拉火山现与夏威夷的莫纳罗亚火山(10:1)同居第四位。黄石公园(50:1)不太可能爆发,若一旦爆发,将让选它的下注者们赚得腰包满满。“Volcanoes with regular lava flows or burps are hot favorites,” says paddy power spokesman Darren Haines. “Dormant volcanoes can see odds as low as 500 to one.”probabilities are calculated using the Volcanic Explosivity Indexthe scale, ranging from zero (nonexplosive) to eight (megacolossal), that scientists use to rank eruption severity. The first volcano to hit level three, with plumes at least two miles high, will prompt payouts. 帕迪鲍尔的发言人达伦海恩斯说: “有定期岩浆流和活跃的火山最受下注者欢迎,而休眠火山喷发的概率低至 500:1。”火山爆发强度指数可用于计算火山爆发概率该指数用从零级(不爆发)到八级(特大),科学家们用此排列喷发强度。一旦发生三级强度的火山爆发,并且烟柱至少两英里高,投注者可即刻获得支付。paddy powers clients came up with the novel market after the 2009 eruption of the Philippines mount mayon. If natural phenomena arent your thing, this years bets have 4also included the next Oscar winners, pope, and James bond actorand which country will make first contact with space aliens. (Ireland and the United states were top picks.) On a more somber note, one could have wagered on how many wild polar bears will exist as of the end of 2011 and how many species will be critically endangered. Heres hoping the odds land in the animals favor. Jennifer S. Holland2009年菲律宾马荣火山喷发后,帕迪鲍尔的客户想到了这种新型市场。如果你对自然现象没兴趣,今年的赌注还包括奥斯卡奖得主、教皇、和詹姆斯邦德的扮演者,以及哪个国家将最先与外星人接触(爱尔兰和美国是首选)。还有更郁闷的,人们可以对 2011年年底所剩的野生北极熊数量和濒临灭绝的物种数量下注。这些是动物层面的赌博。 珍妮弗 S. 荷兰5H e a l t hCrawly Cuisine Dont bug out, but the UNs Food and Agriculture Organization is working on a policy to promote insects as food worldwide. Turns out beetles, crickets, and many other types are rather nutritious. A serving of small grasshoppers, for instance, packs nearly the same protein punch as ground beef. And insects can be farmed more cheaply and on much less land. At least a thousand species are already part of the human diet: Mexicans liquefy stink bugs for sauces, Thais deep-fry giant water bugs, and Australian Aborigines chew ants that have a lemony flavor.昆虫美食并未淡出,联合国粮食农业组织正制定一项政策,以便在全球范围内推广昆虫食物。原来,甲虫、蟋蟀、和许多其他类型昆虫相当有营养。举例来说,一盘小蚱蜢所含的蛋白质几乎与一盘碎牛肉相同。而且养殖昆虫成本更低廉,所需土地更少。至少有千余种物种已成为人类饮食的一部分:墨西哥人液化椿象并制成酱料;泰国食用油炸大田鳖;澳洲原住民咀嚼柠檬味的蚂蚁。As the global population nears seven billion, the FAO sees insect farming as a move toward food securitya subject for 6its upcoming conference on entomophagy, the practice of insect eating. Getting skittish diners in the West to swallow the idea poses the biggest challenge, says entomologist Gene DeFoliart, who has a penchant for termites. “Its time to take this seriously,” he says. Once we do, a fly in your soup could come with the chefs compliments. Jennifer S. Holland随着全球人口接近 70亿,联合国粮农组织将昆虫养殖视为食品安全的一大进步,食品安全是即将举行的食虫性(即昆虫食用实践)会议的一个议题。 “想让西部的一般食客接受这一想法很具挑战”, 对白蚁类情有独钟的昆虫学家基尼迪弗里阿特说道:“是时候认真考虑一下了”。一旦我们这样做,若你在汤里发现苍蝇,那可能是厨师的致意。 珍妮弗 S. 荷兰
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