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,.高频课标词汇微情景集中串记 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,然后背诵微情景,熟记以e开头的课标词汇,并联想其用法。 【初级词汇情景】 Once upon a time there was an emperor in England who wanted to enjoy himself and had _1_(entertain) forever.He employed eleven elders on ecology to find a kind of elegant eggplant,which could make him live long enough.They explored from west to east with their expensive _2_(equip),,天天循环背 12 首字母E话题饮食与健康,an elephant to ride included,expecting to find it.Though they experienced a hard journey,escaped from enemies,avoided _3_(enter) dangerous places,etc,their efforts were to fail in the end _4_(entire).They could earn nothing except some earth everywhere.,从前有一位英格兰的皇帝,他想永远地享受、娱乐。他雇佣了11位有关生态学的老者去找一种优雅的茄子,这种茄子可以使他活得足够久。他们带着昂贵的设备,包括一头乘坐的大象,从西方探索到东方,期望找到茄子。尽管他们经历了困苦的旅程,逃离敌人、避免进入危险的地方等,但是他们的努力注定要彻底失败,除了一些各地的泥土之外,他们一无所获。 答案 1.entertainment 2.equipment 3.entering 4.entirely,【高级词汇情景】 In order to make the Chinese dream come true,experts and _1_(educate) in every field take great efforts to explore,examine,evaluate, collect evidence and make experiments _2_ full energy,but with as little as expense to accomplish their task.Some employees _3_(expose) to burning sun are especially enthusiastic.Their extra and excellent work moved engineers _4_(extreme).Meanwhile,news editors are eager to publish their essays in every edition to report all events,and to _5_(expression) both leaders and peoples satisfaction.It is evident that the Chinese dream will come true eventually.,为了实现中国梦,各个领域的专家和教育工作者精力充沛地去探索、检测、评估、实验以及搜集证据,但却以最少的费用去完成他们的任务。曝晒在阳光下的雇工尤其激情昂然。他们额外的优秀工作极其感动了工程师们。同时,新闻编辑们热切地在各个版面发表文章,报道事件,表达人民与领导的满意。很显然,中国梦最终会实现。 答案 1.educators 2.with 3.exposed 4.extremely 5.express,.话题背诵:饮食与健康 (2016衡水高三模拟)假如你叫李华,是一位中学生。在听了关于健康饮食的讲座后,你想用英语给21st Century报社写一封信,反映你对当今学生饮食的看法: 1.越来越多的学生喜欢吃西式快餐,结果摄入大量的糖和脂肪; 2.大家对中餐和西式快餐哪种更健康有不同看法; 3.你认为中餐更健康,说出你的理由。 注意:词数100左右。 _ _,【佳作赏诵】 Dear Editor, Now,more and more students are getting fond of western fast food,and thus they take in too much sugar and fat.I dont think it good for their health. There are all kinds of foods in the world.Which one is healthier,the Chinese food or the western fast food?Different people have different opinions.,In my opinion,the Chinese food is healthier.Firstly,the Chinese food contains a lot of fruits and green vegetables.It is rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat.Secondly,the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes,which provide us with all kinds of nutrition.I think it is the healthiest food in the world.So many Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth. Yours sincerely, Li Hua,.疯狂背诵法 1.明确话题,联想运用;确定体裁,模板提升。 2.“段落首句核心词汇”背诵法 第一步:疯狂背诵每段首句,记录要点。 Now,more./There are. In my opinion,.Firstlycontainis rich inlow inSecondly.deliciousprovidekeep fit. 第二步:在大脑中定位核心词汇。 第三步:在背诵首句的基础上运用所记录词汇,联想运用,尝试复述。 第四步:尝试背诵,脱口而出。,3.词汇与句式积累厚积薄发 get (be) fond of喜欢 take in吸收;理解;欺骗 keep fit保持健康,
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