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Module 2Developing and Developed Countries(限时:35分钟)(对应学生用书第323页).阅读理解(2017兰州市高考模拟)In many developed countries, people who have high degrees begin to work longer than those who dont.About 65% of American men aged 6274 with a professional degree are in the workforce (劳动人口), compared with 32% of men who only finish high school.This gap is part of a deepening divide between the welleducated wealthy and the unskilled poor.Rapid technological advance has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while squeezing those of the unskilled.The consequences, for individuals and society, are profound.The world is facing an astonishing rise in the number of old people, and they will live longer than ever before.Over the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double, from 600 million to 1.1 billion.The experience of the 20th century, when greater longevity (长寿) translated into more years in retirement rather than more years at work, has persuaded many observers that this shift (变化) will lead to slower economic growth, while the swelling(渐增的) ranks of pensioners will create government budget problems.Policies are partly responsible.Many European governments have abandoned policies that used to encourage people to retire early.Even the betteroff must work longer to have a comfortable retirement.But the changing nature of work also plays a big role.Pay has risen sharply for the highly educated, and those people continue to reap (获得)rich rewards into old age because these days the educated elderly are more productive than the preceding (先前的) generation.Technological change may well reinforce (强化) that shift: the skills that complement (补充) computers, from management knowhow to creativity, do not necessarily decline with age.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了在发达国家有专业技能的人的工作年限更长及其原因分析。【长难句分析】The experience of the 20th century, when greater longevity (长寿) translated into more years in retirement rather than more years at work, has persuaded many observers that this shift (变化) will lead to slower economic growth, while the swelling(渐增的) ranks of pensioners will create government budget problems.分析:本句是一个复合句。句中when和while引导状语从句;句中that引导宾语从句,在从句中不作句子成分。译文:20世纪人们的寿命变长导致了退休时间而不是工作时间的延长,这一传统让许多观察者相信这种变化会导致经济增长减缓,与此同时,渐增的领取养老金的老人的数量又给政府预算带来很多问题。1What is the common phenomenon in the workforce in rich countries?AYounger people are replacing the elderly.BWelleducated people tend to work longer.CPeople with no college degree cannot find any job.DUnemployment rates are decreasing year after year.B考查细节理解。根据文章第一段的第一句“In many developed countries, people who have high degrees begin to work longer than those who dont.”可知,在发达国家,受过良好教育的人的工作年限更长,故选B。2In view of the experience of the 20th century, many observers predict that Aeconomic growth will slow downBgovernment budgets will decreaseCmore people will try to receive higher educationDthere will be more competition in the job marketA考查细节理解。根据第二段的最后一句“The experience of the 20th century, when greater longevity (长寿) translated into more years in retirement rather than more years at work, has persuaded many observers that this shift (变化) will lead to slower economic growth, while the swelling(渐增的) ranks of pensioners will create government budget problems.”可知,选A。3According to the text, what is the result of policy changes in European countries?AUnskilled workers may choose to retire early.BMore and more people have to go abroad to hunt for jobs.CPeople may be able to use computers to do more complicated work.DEven wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.D考查细节理解。根据最后一段的第三句“Even the betteroff must work longer to have a comfortable retirement.”可知,欧洲国家政策的变化导致富有的人也必须工作更长时间才能过上舒服的退休生活,故选D。4The underlined word “knowhow” in the last paragraph probably refers to “ ”Aa completely different environmentBpractical knowledge and technical skillsCa better understanding of policy changesDthe courage to face difficulties and dangersB考查词义猜测。根据最后一段的最后一句“Technological change may well reinforce (强化) that shift: the skills that complement (补充) computers, from management knowhow to creativity, do not necessarily decline with age.”可知,knowhow是对skills的限定修饰,由此可推知,knowhow指相应的技能和知识,故选B。 【导学号:44040175】.阅读七选五(2017西北九校二模)When we are grownups, its quite natural to look back on our different stages of life and remember who was there to see us through. 1 While some peoples high school friendships gradually end, mine have stuck with me through every bit of life since.And I suppose high school friends are the friends youll build the strongest relationships with. 2 Whether it is the bad haircut or the braces(牙箍) you wear, your high school friends help you through it all.They tell you that you look wonderful when you cannot go out in public with that hairdo. 3 They understand the most about you.High school friends know you better tha
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