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,Lets get some idea of the splendid sights of Yancheng,Welcome to Yancheng,Made by Jiang Nan,introduction,Yancheng is a city with a long history and many personalities. It is located on the coast of Huanghai Sea and on the north wing of Yangtze Delta. With a history of 2100 years, Yancheng is the only municipality named after salt in China. With the change of time, the sea salt culture has become the root of Yancheng. Yancheng also used to be a holy place of Red Culture. Yancheng is a city with special ecologic status and abundant resources. It is the hometown of red-crowned crane and Milu deer, for each one of which two national nature reserve are built here on the coastal wetland. The boundless wetland, the crane dancing and the deer singing provide a choice place away from noise and back to nature. Yancheng has the longest coastline, the largest wetland and the broadest sea area. People in Yancheng are diligent, wise and friendly. They sincerely welcome you to visit Yancheng and invest here. We will be very thankful for any advice and suggestions from you.,Location,Yancheng has Huanghai Sea on the east side, Nantong and Taizhou on the south, Huaian and Yangzhou on the west and facing Lianyungang across Guanhe. Yancheng has been endowed with advantaged land, sea and wetland resources. It has the largest land area of 17,000 square kilometers and the longest coastline of 582 kilometers in Jiangsu Province. The wetland is 455,300 hectare and 70% of the provincial wetland area. The length of the coastline accounts for 56% of that of Jiangsu Province. Now,lets look through some beautiful pictures,Those are Milu deer,red-crowned cranes are so beautiful,A beautiful story,subshrubby peony flower park,Since now,we have watched some beauty of Yancheng, do you want something to eat?,I will show you some of special local products in Yancheng,Salt,Fish-soup noodle,Sea foods,Fu ning pastry,Some representative special local products,Chaopai cake,Some famous people relate to Yancheng,Yancheng is a place where produce a lot of talent ,such as Southern Song Dynasty zuo Minister Lu xiufu;Zhang shicheng at the end of the yuan ;Wang zhen philosopher of Ming Dynasty philosopher To your surprise,Hu jintao,who is the president of China ,his original family home isYancheng! Yancheng is the brithland of the New Fourth Army,This temple was built in memory of Lu gong (Lu xiufu),Site-Memorial of Headquarters of the New Fourth Army,Yancheng is a holy place of Red Culture,thank you,Welcome to the captical of wetland -Yancheng,
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