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航模术语查询表(A-F)时间:2007-03-2007:26:19 ABCDEF360, 540, etc. Number describing degrees in an arc. A 360 represents one full turn through an axis. A 360 turn, for example, is a flat turn where the aircraft does not roll its wings but rather just slides through 360 degrees turning on rudder only. For helis: A 540 stall turn, for example, describes a one and one half revolution spin at the apex of a vertical stall, which results in the helicopter resuming nose forward flight before recovery.3D Term describing a type of flight pattern, which is characterized by the performance of very specialized aerobatic maneuvers below the models normal stall speed. Examples include torque rolls, walk in the park, harriers, hangers, etc. For helis: combining two or more maneuvers into one maneuver. Examples: rolling circle, inverted backwards loop. 3F Slang abbreviation for flip flop flying. Similar to 3D, but without the finesse. A ATL = Adjustable Throttle Limiter High-end feature which adjusts to bring full servo potential within the limits of bind-free servo travel. Ideal for throttle control, or for more effective braking in gas racing.ATV/EPA = Adjustable Travel Volume/End Point Adjustment .Allows separate adjustments of maximum servo travel to both sides of neutral. Helps tailor outputs for different control styles. Activating (Arming) SwitchAn external switch that prevents the electric motor from accidentally turning on.Adjustable Function Rate (AFR) Similar to ATV, AFR allows end point adjustment independent of Dual Rate or Exponential settings.Adjustable Travel Volume (ATV) End Point Adjustment, ATV you can independently preset the maximum travel of a servo on either side of neutral.Adverse YawSome airplanes, especially high-wing airplanes with flat-bottom airfoils, have a tendency to yaw in the opposite direction of the bank. This is most common when flying at low speeds with high angles. Adjusting the ailerons can help reduce the yaw. AerodynamicsScience of air in motion.Aft Towards the rear. Used such as: .with an aft center of gravity. Aileron Differential Creating larger upward aileron travel than downward aileron travel to help minimize the model dragging the drooped aileron which causes a model to yaw with aileron input. Aileron Extension The Aileron Extension (also known as a servo extension) is a cable with connectors on either end which goes between the receiver and a servo. This allows the servo to be placed at a greater distance from the receiver than the cable that comes on the servo will allow. It also permits easier removal of a wing when the servo that controls the aileron is mounted in the wing and the receiver is in the fuselage (which is usually the case).Ailerons Hinged control surfaces located on the trailing edge of the wing, one on each side, which provide control of the airplane about the roll axis. The control direction is often confusing to first time modelers. For a right roll or turn, the right hand aileron is moved upward and the left hand aileron downward, and vice versa for a left roll or turn. Ailevators Twin elevator servos plugged into separate channels used to control elevator with the option to also have the 2 elevator servos act as ailerons in conjunction with the primary ailerons. Air Bleed Screw Screw for adjusting the amount of air allowed to bleed into the carburetor during idleAirfoil The shape of the wing when looking at its profile. Usually a raindrop type shape. For helis: The rotor disk is the effective wing, and airfoil refers to the shape of the blades. AMAM, or Ampilitude Modulation, was the primary means of modulation in R/C until recently. The control information is transmitted by varying the amplitude of the signal.AMAThe Academy Of Model Aeronautics. The official national body for model aviation in the United States. The official national body for model aviation in the United States. AMA sanctions more than a thousand model competitions throughout the country each year, and certifies official model flying records on a national and international level.Amphibian An aircraft that can fly off of water or land. The wheels retract into the hull or floats, depending upon the type of aircraft. An amphibian can land on water and then extend the landing gear to allow it to pull up onto the shore. Many seaplane bases had ramps to allow the airplanes to pull up onto dry land parking areas. Angle of attack The angle that the wing penetrates the air. As the angle of attack increases so does lift, up to a point (and drag). AntennaThe telescoping tube that transmits the signal.Area The number of square inches (or feet) of the wing. Its the wingspan multiplied by the wings chord. The area of a tapered wing is the wingspan multiplied by the average chord. ARFAlmost Ready to Fly, a model airplane that can be put t
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