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颞叶功能解剖海马,SAFE CLUB,王梦阳,右半球内侧面 1, hippocampus; 2, parahippocampal gyrus (T5); 3, fusiform gyrus (T4); 4, inferior temporal gyrus (T3); 5, calcarine sulcus; 6, cuneus; 7, precuneus; 8, cingulate gyrus; 9, superior frontal gyrus; 10, corpus callosum; 11, forni; 12, third ventricle,1, anterior paraolfactory; 4, anterior calcarine sulcus; 5, collateral sulcus; 6, rhinal sulcus. 7, subcallosal gyrus; 10, isthmus; 11, parahippocampal gyrus,posterior part; 11, parahippocampal gyrus,anterior part 12, entorhinal area; 13, ambient gyrus; 14, semilunar gyrus; 16paraterminalgyrus; 21, fimbria (displaced upwards, arrows); 22, uncal ape; 23, band of Giacomini; 24, uncinate gyrus;,Intraventricular aspect of the hippocampus. 1, hippocampal body; 2, head and digitationes hippocampi 3, hippocampal tail; 4, fimbria; 5, crus of forni; 6, subiculum; 7, splenium of the corpus callosum; 8, calcar avis; 9, collateral trigone; 10, collateral eminence; 11, uncal recess of the temporal horn,冠状位切片,3T MRI view, T1-weighted image 1, hippocampus; 2, parahippocampal gyrus; 3, fusiform gyrus; 4, inferior temporal gyrus; 5, middle temporal gyrus; 6, superior temporal gyrus; 7, lateral fissure; 8, postcentralgyrus; 9, central sulcus; 10, precentral gyrus; 11, superior frontal gyrus; 12, cingulate gyrus; 13, corpus callosum; 14, lateral ventricle; 14caudate nucleus; 15, thalamus; 16, putamen; 17, temporal horn of the lateral ventricle; 18, red nucleus; 19, substantia nigra; 20, pons; 21, tentorium cerebelli; 22, ambient cistern,1, alveus; 2, stratum oriens;3, stratum pyramidale; 3, stratum lucidum; 4, stratum radiatum; 5, stratum lacunosum; 6, stratum moleculare; 7, vestigial hippocampal sulcus (notea residual cavity, 7). Gyrus dentatus: 8, stratum moleculare; 9, stratum granulosum;10, polymorphic layer; 11, fimbria; 12, margo denticulatus; 13, fimbriodentate sulcus; 14, superficial hippocampal sulcus;15, subiculum; 16, choroid pleuses; 17, tail of caudate nucleus; 18, temporal (inferior) horn of the lateral ventricle,ILAE1型,ILAE2型,ILAE3型,
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