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Unit 3 Animals,Lesson 2,Look and say.,Warm-up,Lead-in,A. Look, listen and answer.,1. Look at the pictures. What animals are they drawing?,Presentation,2. Now listen and answer: What are Lindas and Binbins favorite animals?,Lindas favorite animal is elephant.,Binbins favorite animal is bee.,Presentation,Listen and circle.,animal,elephant,horse,bee,Presentation,Look and say.,Whats your favorite animal?,My favorite animal is the bee.,Presentation,Ask and answer.,My favorite animal is .,Whats your favorite animal?,Presentation,Listen and repeat.,Binbin: Hi, Linda. What are you doing?,Linda: Im drawing a picture of my favorite animal.,Binbin: Its a big, grey animal.,Linda: Yes, my favorite animal is the elephant.,Binbin: Im drawing my favorite animal, too.,Linda: Whats your favorite animal?,Binbin: Guess!,Linda: Wow, thats a beautiful picture! Let me see.,Mmm, your favorite animal is the horse?,Binbin: No, look. My favorite animal is the bee.,Linda: Its lovely!,Practice,两人一组,先朗读再表演这个有趣的故事吧。,Act in roles. (分角色演),Read together. (齐读),2,3,Read in roles. (分角色读),1,Practice,B. Lets paly.,Summary,怎样询问、回答某人最喜欢的动物是什么?,-Whats your favorite animal?,-My favorite animal is ,
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