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人教新版四年级上册,教师:李娟,相 互 问 候,Good morning, boys and girls.,Nice to see you, too!,Good morning, Miss Green.,Nice to see you again!,Lets sing: Nice to see you again.,假日期间我结识了两个新朋友,你们想认识他们吗?,This is my new friend.,Hello! Im Panda. Im from China.,China,Im from China.,Hello! Im Cat. Im from England.,England,Im from England.,新学期开始了,将有新同学、新朋友加入我们的学习。你们想认识他吗?看图,想一想下面的问题,Where are the children? What are they talk about?,Hello! Im Jim. Im from America.,America,Im from America.,Practice,Role play 三人一组分别扮演Gao Wei、Peter和Jim,表演对话 。 用到的句型: This is +某人。“这是” 主语+be动词+from+地点/国名。“某人来自”,Practice,自编童谣 Peter, Peter. I am Peter. Im from England. How about you? Jim, Jim. I am Jim. Im from America. How about you? Gao Wei, Gao Wei. I am Gao Wei. Im from China, China, China, China!,Practice,自制卡片 同学们结合自己家乡地名或以A、BCDE字母开头的地名写在卡片上,练习:Im from 例如: 字母A开始的地名:Anhui, America,做一做 根据表格信息,进行介绍,Student Card Name: Candy Chen Age: 9 Class: Class1, Grade4 Country: China,
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