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Chapter 4 Design of Control System,4.1 Microcomputer Control System 微机控制系统 4.2 The Composition of PLC and Its Application PLC的组成及应用 4.3 Reliability Design for Input/Output Control of Microcomputer Application System输入、输出接口的可靠性设计,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,4.1.1 The Tradeoff权衡 and Decision决定 of Special and General Purpose 、 software and hardware专用与通用、软件与硬件 1. The Decision of Special and General Purpose Special Control System : Large-batch production大批量生产 Developed Mechatronics Productor成熟的机电一体化产品 Universal Control System : Constant Improvement, structure instability 不断改进,结构不稳定的产品,2. The tradeoff of software and hardware Economy and Reliability: For example : Software - Discrete components分立元件 Hardware - LSI Chips,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,4.1.2 The general design idea Control System设计思想 Design Steps: The Confirmation of the System General Control Scheme确定系统整体控制方案 The Confirmation of Control Algorithm确 定控制算法 The Choice of Microcomputer选用微型计算机 Overall Design of System系统总体设计 The Design of Software and so on软件设计,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,1. The Confirmation of the System General Control Scheme确定系统总体设计方案 (1)The Controlling Requirement控制需要 (2)Actuators 执行元件 (3)Special Controlling Requirement特殊控制要求 (4)Tasks and Function of Microcomputer微机系统的作用与组成 (5)Cost 成本,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,2. The Confirmation of Control Algorithm Establish of Mathematical Modelling of System建立该系统的数学模型 Determination of Control Algorithm确定其控制算法,3.Choose Microcomputer选择微型计算机 (1)Interrupt System中断系统 (2)Storage Capacity 存储容量 (3)input & output port and Real-Time Clock完备的输入输出通道和实时时钟 (4)Special requirements :word capacity字长、Speed 、Instruction指令,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,4、 Overall Design of System系统总体设计 (1)Interface Design 接口设计 (2)Channel Design 通道设计 (3)Operation Control-panel Design操作控制台 5、 The Design of Software (1)System Software 系统软件 (2)Application Software 应用软件 6、 Debugging the system系统调试,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,4.1.3 Species and Composition of Microcomputer System微型计算机系统的种类与构成 1、system structure of Microcomputer结构 General designation统称:Microprocessor微处理机(微处理器)、Microcomputer微型计算机、Microcomputer System微型计算机系统,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,Microprocessor微处理机:P or CPU.(LSI、VLSI) Microcomputer微型计算机: C or MC.(CPU、ROM、RAM、I/O、System Bus、Logic Circuits. Microcomputer System微型计算机系统: MCS. Microcomputer with System Software、Peripheral Equipment系统软件、 System Bus Interface系统总线接口),4.1 Microcomputer Control System,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,Fundamental hardware structure of Microcomputer,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,2、Species of Microcomputer微型计算机的种类 (1)Varieties of Assembling组装形式 1)Singlechip(单片机) LSI(集成电路芯片):CPU、ROM、RAM and I/O. For Example:MCS-48、MCS-51、MCS-96,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,2)Single Board Computer单板机 Printed Circuit Board印刷电路板:(LSI)CPU、ROM、RAM、I/O and auxiliary circuit辅助电路 Electric Cables电缆线and peripheral equipment外部设备 Intel 8086/8088,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,3)Microcomputer System 微型计算机系统 Microcomputer 、ROM、RAM、I/O、Power Sources Printed Circuit Board印刷电路板,Case机箱,Keyboard键盘、The CRT Display CRT显示器、Printer打印机、Hard Magnetic Disk Driver硬盘、Floopy Disk Drive软盘驱动器system software (IBM-PC XT、286、386、486、586等),4.1 Microcomputer Control System,(2)Figure位数 Data Bits of Parallel Processing 。 4-bit , 8-bit,16-bit,32-bit,64-bit (3)Application用途 For control控制用 For Data Processing数据处理用,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,4.1.4 Programming Language and Computer Software程序设计语言与微机软件 1、Programming Language程序设计语言 Work out a computer program编写程序,man-machine dialogue tool人机对话工具 machine language机器语言、assembly language汇编语言、high level language高级语言,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,2、Operating Systems操作系统 Management Program Library System(RSAS) of Computer System计算机系统的管理程序库。 3、Program Library程序库 Sets about Available Program and Subprogram (Software Package)计算机的可用程序和子程序的集合就是程序库(或软件包)。,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,4.1.5 The Application Sphere应用领域、Key Points of Selection 选用要点and Problems of Attention about Microcomputer Miniaturization小型化;Multi-functionization多功能化;Increase Regularity通用性增大; Increase the Reliability提高可靠性; Improve Design Efficency提高设计效率;good Economic Effect经济效果好;Standardization of System (Product)产品(或系统)标准化;improves the repair and maintenance property提高维修保养性能。,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,1、 Application Sphere应用领域 Industrial Control Product and Mechatronics Product工业控制和机电产品 Communications Equipment and Energy Equipment交通与能源设备 Household Electrical Appliances家用电器 Commercial Products商用产品 Instrumentation仪器、仪表 OA equipment办公自动化设备 Information Processing Automatic Equipment信息处理自动化设备 Control and Navigation 导航与控制,4.1 Microcomputer Control System,2、 Key Points of Selection选用要点,4-bit:smaller system or product 8-bit:Medium-Sized System 16-bit、32-bit、64-bit:Complicated Great,Intel :86-Series Composition :ALU、Accumulator、Special and General Register、IR指令寄存器、Instruction Decoder指令译码器、Timer Control
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