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Old Lady Jia extends a compassionate welcometo the motherless childG-贾母 D-林黛玉 B-贾宝玉 W-王熙凤 L-林如海 M-老妈子 LW-王夫人At first D could not be persuaded to part from her father L; but her grandmother G was insistent that she should go, and L added his own reasonsL: Im half a century old now, my dear, and I have no intention of taking a second wife; so there will be no one here to act as a mother to you. It isnt, either, as if you had sisters who could help to take care of you. You know how often you are poorly. And you are still very young. It would be a great weight off my mind to know that you had your Grandmother Jia and your uncles girls to fall back on. I really think you ought to go.After this Dai-yu could only take a tearful leave of her father.On the day of her arrival in the capital, Dai-yu stepped ashore to find covered chairs from the Rong mansion for her and her women and a cart for the luggage ready waiting on the quay.D: I had often heard my mother say that my Grandmother Jias home was not like other peoples houses. When I arrived at their house I would have to watch every step I took and weigh every word I said, for if I put a foot wrong they would surely laugh me to scorn.Some gaily-dressed maids were sitting on the steps of the main building opposite.M: (to D) Youve come just at the right time! Lady Jia was only this moment asking about you! (to the public) Miss Lin is here!As Dai-yu entered the room she saw a silver-haired old lady advancing to meet her, supported on either side by a servant. L: this must be my Grandmother Jia.L would have fallen on her knees and made her kotow, but before she could do so her grandmother had caught her in her arms and pressing her to her bosom. G: (cries of) My pet! My poor lamb! (burst into loud sobs)Dai-yu felt herself crying as though she could never stop. It was some time before those present succeeded in calming them both down and Dai-yu was at last able to make her kotow. Grandmother Jia now introduced those present.G: This is your elder uncles wife, Aunt Xing. This is your Uncle Zhengs wife, Aunt Wang. This is Li Wan, the wife of your Cousin Zhu, who died. D kowtowed to each of them in turn.G: Your mother was the one I loved the best, and now shes been the first to go, and without my even being able to see her again before the end. I cant help being upset! (hold fast to Ds hand, she once more burst into tears) D: GrannieG: You seemed scarcely strong enough, and dear, you must be suffering from some deficiency. What medicine do you take for it? Why it is still not better?D: I have always been like this, I have been taking medicine ever since I could eat and been looked at by ever so many well-known doctors, but it has never done me any good. Im now taking Ginseng Tonic Pills.G: Well, thats handy, I take the Pills myself. We can easily tell them to make up a few more each timeSomeone could be heard talking and laughing in a very loud voice in the inner courtyard behind them.W: Oh dear! Im late, Ive missed the arrival of our guest.D: Everyone else around here seems to go about with bated breath. Who can this new arrival be who is 50 brash and unmannerly?W entered from the room behind the one they were sitting in.G: You dont know her. Shes a holy terror this one. What we used to call in Nanking a “peppercorn”. You just call her “Peppercorn Feng”. Shell know who you mean!D accordingly smiled and curtseyed. W took D by the hand and for a few moments scrutinized her carefully from top to toe before conducting her back to her seat beside Grandmother Jia.W: Shes a beauty, Grannie dear! If I hadnt set eyes on her today, I shouldnt have believed that such a beautiful creature could exist! And everything about her so distingue! D: EhW: She doesnt take after your side of the family, Grannie. Shes more like a Jia. I dont blame you for having gone on so about her during the past few days - but poor little thing! What a cruel fate to have lost Auntie like that (dabbed at eyes with a handkerchief.)G: Ive only just recovered. Dont you go trying to start me off again! Besides, your little cousin is not very strong, and weve only just managed to get her cheered up. So lets have no more of this!W: Yes, of course. It was just that seeing my little cousin here put everything else out of my mind. It made me want to laugh and cry all at the same time. Im afraid I quite forgot about you, Grannie dear. I deserve to be spanked, dont I? G: SurelyW: (grabbed D by the hand.) You mustnt feel home sick here. If theres anything you want to eat or anything you want to play with, just come and tell me.D: OK.LW: There is only one thing that worries me. There is a little monster who tyrannizes over all the rest of this household. He has gone off to the temple today and is not yet back; but you will see what I mean this ev
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