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摆渡论文网(www.baydue.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心艺术类paper写作-French art songIn the early 19th century, European artists were no longer satisfied with and limited to the artistic creation of light as a religious theme, but rather to pursue their own ideals and express their inner feelings. In the civil society, the creation of materials, more focused on the national character, for the whole world and society in a variety of phenomena, through their own subjective feelings with their own fantasy theme and image to express their wishes and ideals. No longer tied to traditional creative techniques, many innovative techniques were used, which made music form rapidly enriched and developed. This new trend, the new style, is the so-called romantic music in this premise and background, produced art songs.As an important music form, art song belongs to the category of art song in terms of type attribute. Although art songs in different countries have different names and styles, it is a more refined and perfect concert solo song.In the early days of Germany and Austria, there were many short lyric songs, most of which were religious or secular. Although they went through a long time, they never reached the perfect combination of music and poetry.King of songs schubert combined poetry and solo singing in 1814s Margaret by the spinning wheel. On the other hand, piano accompaniment plays a more obvious role in artistic songs. The relationship between art songs and piano accompaniment has always been inseparable. Accompaniment plays an indispensable role in the overall structure of the music. Since then, schubert wrote more than 600 romantic songs, which established and matured the genre and style of artistic songs.From the mid-19th century to the early 20th century, French art songs began to emerge, develop and flourish. This was the period when romanticism music flourished and the French bourgeois revolution was successful. The bourgeoisie gained the dominant position in politics, which caused great changes in the politics, economy and culture of the whole society. On the one hand, music reflects the democratic thought of opposing feudalism and advocating nationalism. It is expected to arouse and inspire the struggling spirit of the people through music. On the one hand, it reflects the yearning for a new life, the love for nature, and the expectation to pursue romanticism with the greatest enthusiasm. It is under this background that French art songs came into being.In Europe at that time, Italian and German operas were all the rage. people gradually became dissatisfied with the situation of music monopoly of Italy and Germany on music stage in France, especially the Wagner craze that was all the rage at that time, and felt that it was incompatible with the music tradition of the French nation.Under this circumstance, French musicians established the national music association in Paris to pursue the best efforts to express and revitalize French art.Berlioz should be said to be the beginning of French art songs. He was the first to use the word Melodie to call his songs melodies. Different from the early romantic music in France, he often composed music based on the connotation and process of poetry. Combining the rhythm fluctuation of poetry with music, he made the poetry very consistent with music. In terms of structure, he also broke through the symmetry and segmental mode of traditional romantic music and made piano accompaniment more independent.The secondary column is a composer who is very important in the development of French art songs. He pushed French art songs to prosperity. Although his works span two centuries, his works still belong to the romantic style of the 19th century. In the later period of his works, the impressionism was gradually developing, but at this time, his works still maintained their romantic feelings. Deputy listed in the vocal music works of brilliant achievements, a lifetime of more than 100 songs. His early creation style was influenced by guano, but he soon showed his unique techniques. The secondary works were simple in structure, beautiful in tune and lyric, and subtle in emotion. Masterpieces include moonlight, mandolin, after a dream and song of songs. French art songs reached maturity during this period.Debussy, known as the father of modern music, is another important composer in the development of French art songs. His songs were mostly poems of symbolist poets of the time, and he himself was an essayist. Some of his songs may be less melodic and passionate than those of his predecessors, but he is good at making music better combine the stress and rhythm of language, pay attention to the artistic conception and taste of poetry, integrate the idea of poetry with his own musical thoughts, and write melody in the form of highly singing. Piano accompaniment is no longer a simple foil, but a more independent subject, and can even bec
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