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一:1.manful:a. 有男子汉气概的,果断的2.manger:n. (牲畜的)饲料槽例如:a god in the manger (霸占某些东西而不让别人使用的人)(还有一个比较通俗的解释,介于有的童鞋可能在密西,小编在这里就不再说明啦=w=)3.mania:n. 1.狂躁症;2.狂热,癖好 adj. maniac例如:He has a mania for fast cars.他是个飞车狂。4.manicure:n. 修甲 v. 为修指甲例如:to have a manicure (修指甲)5.manoeuvre:n. 1.部署,巧妙的调动;2.策略,花招;v. (敏捷地)操纵,(灵巧地)移动例如:There was very little room to manoeuvre.这里几乎没有活动的空间。6.manslaughter:n. 过失杀人(罪)7.mantle:n. 覆盖物,斗篷8.manure:n. 肥料;v. 施肥于9.mar:v. 破坏,毁坏,糟蹋掉例如:The game was marred by the behaviour of drunken fans.比赛被几个行为不轨的醉鬼搞砸了。10.marijuana:n. 大麻二: 1.neural:a. 神经的,神经系统的2.newsreel:n. 新闻影片3.nib:1. 钢笔尖;2.(工具的)尖头4.nibble:v. 啃;n. 轻咬 nibble at (小口咬;一点点地咬;表示对稍感兴趣) nibble away at sth (慢慢减少;蚕食 )5.nigger:n. 黑人(对黑人色蔑称)6.nigh:ad. a. & prep. (old use)靠近He was nigh upon 20 miles.他离家差不多有20英里。7.nimble:a. 1. 敏捷的,迅速的;2.机智的 You need nimble figners for that job.干这活需要手指灵活。8.nip:v. 1.夹,掐;2. 阻碍,阻止;n. 1.钳;2. 霜寒,严寒 nip sth in the bud (将扼杀在萌芽状态;防患于未然) nip and tuck (with sb) (比赛或竞赛中)势均力敌;不分上下;并驾齐驱9.nirvana:n. 涅槃,圆寂,解脱10.node:n. 1. 节,瘤;2.茎节三: 1.lavish:a. 1.挥霍的;2.无节制的 v. 慷慨地施予,浪费例如:Shed been a bit toolavish with the salt, so the soup didnt taste nice.她放盐太多,因而汤的味道不太好。2.lax:a. 马虎的,懒散的例如:Lax security allowed the thieves to enter.松懈的保安措施使小偷有机可乘。3.leek:n. 韭菜4.leeway:n. 1.(时间、财物等的)富裕;2.回旋的余地5.legible:a. 清楚易读的,容易辨认的6.lenient:a. 宽容的例如:The judge was lenient with him.法官对他很宽大。7.lentil:n. 扁豆8.lethal:a. 致命的例如:A hammer can be alethal weapon.铁锤可以是致命的武器。9.leukemia:n. 白血病10.levity:n. 轻浮,轻率四: 1.scenario:n. 1. 剧本,脚本;2. 概要2. schizophrenia:n. 精神分裂症3.scintillation:n. 1. 才智横溢;2. 闪烁4.scoff:v. 嘲笑;狼吞虎咽;n. 1. 嘲弄的话;2. 笑柄A hundred years ago people scoffed at the idea.一百年前人们曾嘲笑过这种想法。5.scour:v. 彻底搜索(某地)The police are scouring the countryside for the escaped prisoners.警察正在搜索整个乡村以捉拿逃犯。6.scowl:n. 皱眉,怒容;v. 怒视He scowled heavily.他紧皱双眉,很不高兴。7.scrawl:v. 潦草地书写;n. 潦草的笔迹,涂鸦Dont scrawl on the wall.不要在墙上乱涂。8.scrounge:v. 借取,捞取He scrounged a cigarette from his roommate.他向同室居住的人要了一支香烟。9.scruple:n. 1. 顾忌,顾虑;2. 重量;v. (因有顾忌而)犹豫A man who could make so vile a pun would not scruple to pick a pocket.一个能说出如此恶劣双关语的人,是不会对偷窃钱包感到不安的。10.scrupulous:a. 审慎的,严格认真的She is scrupulous to a degree.她非常谨慎。五: 1.payroll:n. 1. 受雇人员的名单,工资名单;2. 发放的工资总额2.pedant:n. (贬)卖弄学问的人3.pending:a. 1. 未决的;2. 逼近的prep. 直至,在期间None of the four people killed was identified pending (the) notification of relatives.四个被害者身份尚未确定, 正待亲人前来辨认。4.perfunctory:a.敷衍的,马虎的5.perish:v. (使)枯萎,(使)腐烂,夭折Hundreds of sheepperished that year because of drought.那年由于干旱, 几百头羊突然死去。6.perjury:n. 假誓,伪证7.perk:n. 额外津贴v. (使)快活起来perk up(使)快活起来8.permeate:v. 1. 渗入,透过;2. 弥漫,充满The banquet was permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.宴会洋溢着友好的气氛。9.pernicious:a. 有害的,有毒的Business may be troublesome, but idleness is pernicious.事业虽扰人,怠惰害更大。10.perpetrate:v. 犯(罪)evil deeds perpetrated by wicked people(恶人做的坏事)六: 1.taper:v. 1.逐渐变窄;2.(使某物)变小,变少,逐渐终止 n. (长形物体的)逐渐变窄例如:He tapered the stick with a knife.他用小刀把棍子的一端削尖。2.tarnish:v. (使)失去光泽,(使)变灰暗例如:Brass tarnishes quickly in wet weather.天气潮湿时黄铜很快会失去光泽。3.tarry:v. 耽搁,逗留 a. 沥青的例如:He tarried a few days in New York.他在纽约逗留了几天。4.tatters:n. 碎布,破旧的衣服例如:in tatters 1.(衣服)破旧的;2.破产的,潦倒的5.taunt:v. 讽刺,奚落n. 嘲笑人的话例如:Some of the girls taunted her about her weight.有些女孩子笑她胖。6.tedium:n. 厌倦,乏味7.teeter:v. 步履蹒跚,左右摇摆例如:She teetered along in her high-heeled shoes.她穿着一双高跟鞋摇摇晃晃地走着。8.tenuous:a. 1.薄的,细的;2. 细微的;3. 肤浅的例如:He has a rather tenuous grasp of reality.他对现实认识很肤浅。9.tepid:a. 温的例如:The criticss reaction to the film was rather tepid.评论家对那部影片的反映不太热烈。10.terse:a. 用词简练的例如:Her reply about the matter was terse.她对此事的答复简明扼要。七: 1.waddle:v. 摇摇摆摆地走;n. 蹒跚的步态A family of ducks waddled along the river bank.一群鸭子沿 河岸摇摇摆摆地走。2.wade:v. 1.跋涉;2.费力地前进The childrenwaded out into the lake.孩子们一路蹚水到了湖里。3.waive:v. 放弃He has waived all claim to the money.他放弃了索取这笔钱的权利。4.wallow:v. 1.(在泥、水中)打滚;2.热中于,沉湎于(尤指不愉快或惹人同情的事); n. 1.打滚,享乐;2. 水坑,泥坑Stop wallowing in self-pity.不要一味地自怜了。5.wane:v. 1.(月亮)缺;2.衰败,变差;n. 逐渐减弱on the wane 逐渐减弱,衰败6.wanton:a. 1.不怀好意的;2. 反复无常的3;.茂盛的;4.不道德的The manager booted his secretary out for her wantonness.经理开除了他的秘书,因为她行为放荡。7.wares:n. 货品8.wary:a. 1.谨慎的;2.警防的He is wary of strangers.他提防生人。9.watershed:n. 分水岭10.watertight:a. 不漏水的八: 1.disparate:a. 无从比较的,异类的Chalk and cheese are disparate substances.粉笔和乳酪是完全不同的东西。2.dispensation:n. 1. 分配,分发;. 生命,天道;3. 赦免3.disposed:a. 1. 愿意的,乐意的;2. 有倾向的After the way she treated me, I didnt feel disposed to help her.既然她这样对我, 我就不想帮助她了。4.disrepute:n. 声名狼藉5
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