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四六级写作思路综述暨预测白皮书发布,主讲:朱伟,新东方直播课堂官方微信,朱伟 English-test Trainer,2007年2-7月 昆明新东方 2007年7月 南昌新东方 2008年3月 南昌新东方考试部教学主管 2008年12月 新东方教育科技集团全国优秀教师 2009年 全国优秀教师,全国首批巡讲师 2010年 沪江特约作文专栏,新浪博客官方推荐英文学习博客 2011年 新东方教育科技集团首批“集团演讲师”,集团最高级别、团中央全国大学公益巡回演讲“相信未来”、“梦想之旅”讲师,新东方在线首席托福写作讲师、考研名师,新浪微博认证教育名博 2011年 七届斯诺克世锦赛冠军Stephen Hendry表演赛翻译,新闻发布官 2013年 畅销出版物:恋练有词系列书籍、恋练有词之考研词汇APP、考研英语写作最后预测20篇、四级英语作文预测白皮书、六级英语作文预测白皮书、英语写作素材大全 2014年2月 上海新东方学校校长办公室,上海新东方教师委员会主任,THINGS ABOUT WRITING : 1、sentence structure 2、paper structure: head, body, conclusion 3、model Essay,1、sentence structure,避免为体现语言水准而犯的语法错误,拉长句子: 理论上,一个句子只要主谓宾保住了,想写多长就可以写多长,因为其他加上去的东西,不管怎么加,都是修饰。什么是修饰,就是有它没它,句子意思都不会发生实质改变。,Case:我爱你,中文表达法:一朵梨花压海棠、外形俊俏胜潘安的我,深深地爱上了那个面如桃花、身若珠玉、令甄子丹一夜变憔悴、江爷爷眼镜片崩碎的你 凤姐 英文表达法:我, who 一朵梨花压海棠、外形俊俏胜潘安,深深地爱上了那个你 凤姐, who 面如桃花、身若珠玉、令甄子丹一夜变憔悴、江爷爷眼镜片崩碎。,如何加修饰? 一句话,在后面做文章 1.(n.)+ which/who/that Case: 许多人很重视自己拥有多少奢侈品。 (1)素颜版:Many people take seriously luxuries.,(2)一个妆真的可以改变一个人,那些把一个人拥有财产的数量当做评判其社会地位的唯一标准的人们,会很重视追逐奢侈品的生活方式。 Many people who consider A as B take seriously the lifestyle of pursuing luxuries. A: the number of ones bling goods B: an only standard to judge his/her social position,(2)一个妆真的可以改变一个人,那些把一个人拥有财产的数量当做评判其社会地位的唯一标准的人们,会很重视追逐奢侈品的生活方式。 Many people who consider the quantity of ones belongings as a unique criterion to judge ones social rank, thus, may take seriously the lifestyle of “chasing after” luxuries. (metaphor),2. (n.)/ 句子结尾 + V-ed、en(被动) / V-ing(主动) Case1: youngsters, ranging from / who range from 20 to 30-year olds,Case2: 研究发现,和十年前的5%相比,现在有近24%的年轻白领表示不清楚自己想要什么。 A recent finding has provided the first concrete clue that 24 percent more or less of young white collars,ranging from 25 to 30-year olds, are barely sure of what to keep and what to get rid of, compared with those of 5 percent one decade ago.,3(n.)+ with + (n.),a pretty girl a girl with an angel-like face and a fairy-like figure Case: 当今,很多有钱人喜欢通过买豪车来显示自己的成功和存在。 素颜版:Nowadays, a lot of riches like buying luxurious autos to show their existence.,变妆版:These days, an overwhelming number of people, with money bulging out of their pockets, are switching their expenditure into purchasing limousines/luxurious vehicles, (which are) defined as the typical marks of ones attainment.,2、paper structure head, body, conclusion,what = background(chart / phenomenon) why = main idea + analyses (reasons / effects) + cases how = conclusion (echo the main idea) / suggestions,3. Model Essays,第一大类 双向话题作文 (考查矛盾),The Fragrance Always Stays In The Hand That Gives The Rose,When a man is in difficulty, as illustrated in the picture above, he can look for help from those people he helped in the past. This reminds us of the importance of a healthy concept of giving and taking.,Begin with giving. When people see that you help others in need, they may be inspired to help as well; that is to say, you are setting a good example for others. For example, when a child sees his father buying groceries for an elderly person, its very likely that he/she will imitate this behavior and learn to look for ways to be helpful as well.,As for taking, when you are generous in helping others, you will receive the assistance you need in one way or another. But we shouldnt “give” only so we can later “take.” When we work for the good of otherseven if we receive no personal reward laterwe fill the world with hope and make the world a better place to live.,On the whole, the world will be more wonderful when everyone is willing to help others.,举一反三 drawing inferences about other cases from one instance,Its the most interesting cartoon Ive ever met in the latest 10-year real exam papers. If the man in the right scissors the rope, both the victim in the left and himself/herself will lose the chance to survive. Actually, to hurt someone is good to none but worse to yourself, as a Chinese classic saying goes.,These days, weve seen a lot of moral disasters via social networks. The underlying reason for our mankind to hurt each other is that we are used to let our own ego out. In the background of the “fast and furious” economic development, every specific person can feel under unspeakable pressure due to the limited occupations and personal options.,Normally, the way to fit the fierce situation is to change yourself. However, few people are willing to get out of the way of themselves. Rather, they have indulged themselves in egoistic impulse, which may lead them to sacrifice others benefits.,For example, its very irrational to sacrifice social justice in the name of efficiency because the terminal of happiness is equal care towards everyone rather than the richness of minority. When efficiency kills justice, he himself will die soon.,For the sake of yourself, please cherish every little drip of others kindness and discard the Devil inside.,第二大类 单向话题作文,Lack of Trust and Honesty Current society is discussing the problem of lack of trust and honesty. Citizens are surrounded by false products and lies as
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