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美国总统就最高法院裁定同性婚姻合法英语演讲稿Good morning. Our nation was founded on a bedrock principle that we are all created equal. The project of each generation is to bridge the meaning of those founding words with the realities of changing times a never-ending quest to ensure those words ring true for every single American.Progress on this journey often es in small increments, sometimes two steps forward, onestep back, propelled by the persistent effort of dedicated citizens. And then sometimes, thereare days like this when that slow, steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like athunderbolt.This morning, the Supreme Court recognized that the Constitution guarantees marriageequality. In doing so, theyve reaffirmed that all Americans are entitled to the equalprotection of the law. That all people should be treated equally, regardless of who they are orwho they love.This decision will end the patchwork system we currently have. It will end the uncertaintyhundreds of thousands of same-sex couples face from not knowing whether their marriage,legitimate in the eyes of one state, will remain if they decide to move to or even visit another.This ruling will strengthen all of our munities by offering to all loving same-sex couples thedignity of marriage across this great land.In my second inaugural address, I said that if we are truly created equal, then surely the lovewe mit to one another must be equal as well. It is gratifying to see that principleenshrined into law by this decision.This ruling is a victory for Jim Obergefell and the other plaintiffs in the case. Its a victory forgay and lesbian couples who have fought so long for their basic civil rights. Its a victory fortheir children, whose families will now be recognized as equal to any other. Its a victory for theallies and friends and supporters who spent years, even decades, working and praying forchange to e.And this ruling is a victory for America. This decision affirms what millions of Americansalready believe in their hearts: When all Americans are treated as equal we are all more free.My administration has been guided by that idea. Its why we stopped defending the so-calledDefense of Marriage Act, and why we were pleased when the Court finally struck down a centralprovision of that discriminatory law. Its why we ended “Dont Ask, Dont Tell.” From extendingfull marital benefits to federal employees and their spouses, to expanding hospital visitationrights for LGBT patients and their loved ones, weve made real progress in advancing equalityfor LGBT Americans in ways that were unimaginable not too long ago.I know change for many of our LGBT brothers and sisters must have seemed so slow for so long.But pared to so many other issues, Americas shift has been so quick. I know thatAmericans of goodwill continue to hold a wide range of views on this issue. Opposition insome cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs. All of us who wele todaysnews should be mindful of that fact; recognize different viewpoints; revere our deepmitment to religious freedom.But today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple, oftenpainfully, real change is possible. Shifts in hearts and minds is possible. And those who havee so far on their journey to equality have a responsibility to reach back and help others jointhem. Because for all our differences, we are one people, stronger together than we could everbe alone. Thats always been our story.We are big and vast and diverse; a nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs,different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are orwhat you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love, America is a place where youcan write your own destiny.We are a people who believe that every single child is entitled to life and liberty and thepursuit of happiness.
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