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座次号甘肃省临泽县2017-2018学年七年级英语下学期期末试题 第一卷 选择部分 (80分) 一、听力(共15小题.第一,二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分,共20分)第一节:听小对话,选出与问题相符的图画,每个对话仅读一遍.(5分)( ) 1. How does Paul get to school? A B C ( ) 2. What animals does he like? A B C ( )3. Whats Tony doing now ? A B C( )4. What time does Scott get up on school days? A B C( )5. What club does Peter want to join? A B C第二节:听下面两段对话,根据问题选择正确的答案。每个对话读两遍.(5分)(A) 听第一段对话,回答第6-7两小题.( )6. What time does Dave usually get up? A. 6:00 B. 7:00 C. 6:30( )7. What does Daves mother usually do after she gets up? A. She cooks breakfast B. She plays sports. C. She drinks milk.(B) 听第二段对话,回答第8-10三小题.( )8. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Spring Festival. B. The school music club. C. The school music festival.( )9. How many musicians do they need? A. One. B. Two C. Three( )10.What must the musicians play?A. The piano and the guitar B. The piano and the drums C. The drums and the guitar第三节:听短文,选择正确的选项,短文读两遍.(10分) ( ) 11 Who often goes to the zoo on Saturdays?A. Tom, Mary and Ling Ling B.Tom, Mary and Bargo C.David,Tom and Mary( ) 12 How old is Ling Ling? A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.( ) 13 What animals does Tom like? A.He likes pandas. B.He likes koalas. C.He likes lions.( ) 14 Why does Mary like koalas?A.Because theyre cute. B.Because theyre friendly. C.Because theyre strong.( ) 15 What color is Bargo? A.Brown and yellow. B.Black and yellow. C.Black and white. 二、选择题(从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。每小题1分,共25分)16. My birthday is _ May and his birthday is _ March 26th.A. in; in B. in; 不填 C. for; 不填 D. in; on17 Does Helen like _? Yes. She likes eating apples, pears and bananas.A. vegetables B. sports C. fruits D. clothes18. Does Peter like geography? _. He thinks it is boring.A. Yes, he is B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, he does D. No, he isnt19 _ do you like history? Because it is interesting.A. When B. How C. Where D. Why20. Lets go to Lihua Clothes Store. OK. They _ all the clothes at very good prices.A. buy B. find C. sell D. call21. Grace doesnt like math because she thinks it is _. A. difficult B. fun C. useful D. interesting22. Whats the _ of the book? 5 dollars. A. time B. price C. date D. color23 Can I help you? _A. Yes, please. I want a hat. B. Youre welcome. C. Im fine. Thanks. D. Here you are.24. There are many _ in our school.A. woman teachers B. woman teacher C. women teacher D. women teachers25 That is _ pen. _ pen is on the desk. A. my, Her B. I , Hers C. mine, Her D. her, I26.I usually go to school bike, but today I go my fathers car.A.by; on B.by; in C.on; by27.The tree has a history, so all the villagers do their best to save it.A.200-years B.200-year C.200 years28.Therere giraffes, koalas, lions and some animals in the zoo.A.other B.others C.the other29.- Where is Jack? - He in the supermarket now. He shopping every Sunday afternoon.A.is shopping; is going B.shops; goes C.is shopping; goes30.- is it from here to the bus station? - Its about 5 kilometers.A、How much B、How long C、How far31.Jenny is really good at . It only takes her five minutes a nice pictureA、drawing; to draw B、draw; drawing C、to draw; drawing32.- I hear you have to get up early every morning. - Right. Its one of the in my family.A.habits B.exercise C.rules33.Tom, listen to music. We are having class now.A.Doesnt B.Not C.Dont34.- Lisas birthday is coming. Im not sure what to get for her. - Oh, I have no idea, .A.too B.either C.also35.- Hello! Is that Kate speaking? - Yes, .A.this is Kate B.Im Kate C.Kate is me36.- How about going to the movies tomorrow evening? - . But I have to help my parents with housework.A.Lets go B.Id love to C.Thats right.37. I want to join the _ club. I can _ well. A. swim , swim B. swimming , swim C. swim , swims D. swimming, swims38.
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