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旅游英语(1)-第一次形成性考核作业-辅导资料说明:如果课程题目是随机的,请按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案特殊说明请仔细:课程的题目每学期都可能更换,所以请仔细核对是不是您需要的题目再下载!第1题 the sports meet will continue _ it rains this afternoon.A. since B. as soon as C. if D. unless 正确答案是:unless第2题 the story is as _ as that one.A. more interesting B. interesting C. interesting one D. the most interesting 正确答案是:interesting第3题 dont worry! my father will be back _ten minutes.A. in B. for C. after D. at 正确答案是:in第4题 sorry, i didnt return your book on time. _.A. It doesnt matter B. Youre welcome C. I agree with you D. Thats a good idea 正确答案是:It doesnt matter第5题 most of the children enjoy _ computer games.A. played B. playing C. to play D. play 正确答案是:playing第6题 taiwan is _ the east of fujian.A. to B. in C. at D. on 正确答案是:to第7题 my aunt has worked in a clinic _1949.A. after B. till C. since D. before 正确答案是:since第8题 janes mother was ill yesterday, so she had to look_ her.A. after B. for C. at D. out of 正确答案是:after第9题 we are often told _ at people in trouble.A. to smile B. not to smile C. not to laugh D. to laugh 正确答案是:not to laugh第10题 john is fatter than _ of the other boys in class. he is the fattest.A. some B. that C. any D. many 正确答案是:any第11题 indianapolis is the capital and largest city of indiana, u. s. a. with a population of 744,000, it is one of the largest cities in the world that cannot be reached by water. however, indianapolis is a city through which many railways, roads, buses and planes pass. there are many factories which make trucks, farm tools, and electrical things. these factories cause little pollution for the city. butler university, well known for engineering, and the law and medical schools of indiana university, are in the city centre. nearby is the indianapolis racecourse, where the nations most famous car race is held each year on may 30th. if you visited indianapolis you would be able to find your way around easily because most of the streets cross each other like a chessboard(棋盘). in the centre of the city, called the circle, stands the soldiers and sailors monument, 100 metres high. also in the centre there are many buildings made of the famous indiana stone, which makes them white in color.what is indianapolis best known for?A. Its Soldiers and Sailors Monument. B. Its schools and libraries. C. Its universities and medical schools. D. Its yearly motor race. 正确答案是:Its yearly motor race.第12题 indianapolis is the capital and largest city of indiana, u. s. a. with a population of 744,000, it is one of the largest cities in the world that cannot be reached by water. however, indianapolis is a city through which many railways, roads, buses and planes pass. there are many factories which make trucks, farm tools, and electrical things. these factories cause little pollution for the city. butler university, well known for engineering, and the law and medical schools of indiana university, are in the city centre. nearby is the indianapolis racecourse, where the nations most famous car race is held each year on may 30th. if you visited indianapolis you would be able to find your way around easily because most of the streets cross each other like a chessboard(棋盘). in the centre of the city, called the circle, stands the soldiers and sailors monument, 100 metres high. also in the centre there are many buildings made of the famous indiana stone, which makes them white in color.you can not travel to indianapolis by _.A. car B. train C. bike D. boat 正确答案是:boat第13题 indianapolis is the capital and largest city of indiana, u. s. a. with a population of 744,000, it is one of the largest cities in the world that cannot be reached by water. however, indianapolis is a city through which many railways, roads, buses and planes pass. there are many factories which make trucks, farm tools, and electrical things. these factories cause little pollution for the city. butler university, well known for engineering, and the law and medical schools of indiana university, are in the city centre. nearby is the indianapolis racecourse, where the nations most famous car race is held each year on may 30th. if you visited indianapolis you would be able to find your way around easily because most of the streets cross each other like a chessboard(棋盘). in the centre of the city, called the circle, stands the soldiers and sailors monument, 100 metres high. also in the centre there are many buildings made of the famous indiana stone, which makes them white in color.from the text, what do we learn about the size of indianapolis?A. It is the largest city in the U. S. A. B. It has a population of over a million. C. It is one of the largest cities in the world. D. It has a population of under a mill
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