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句子 1. 句子成分: 主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语、状语 2. 按交际功能分: 陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句 3.按句子结构分: 简单句、并列句、复合句,句子成分1:主语 主语是一个句子所述说的主体。主语的位置一般在句首。英语中主语一般不省略。 The boy comes from America. 名词作主语 He usually went to school alone. 代词作主语,Studying English is very important. 动名词短语作主语 To teach him a lesson seems quite necessary. 不定式短语作主语 That he won the prize excited everyone. 主语从句作主语 It is important for us to have our dreams. It 作形式主语,to have our dreams 不定式短语作真正的主语,句子成分1:主语,It is obvious that he was wrong. It 作形式主语,that he was wrong 主语从句作真正的主语。 8. It is no use crying over the spilt milk. Its no use doing sth. 做某事是没用的 spill spilt spilt (使) 洒出,溢出 覆水难收。 It 作形式主语,crying over the spilt milk 动名词短语作真正的主语。,句子成分1:主语,Have a try,Translate the sentences into Chinese. 没什么是不可能的。 Nothing is impossible. (不定代词作主语) 2. 抱怨是没用的。 Complaining is useless. (动名词作主语) It is no use complaining. (it 作形式主语,complaining 动名词作真正主语),Have a try,Translate the sentences into Chinese. 3. 怎么减少我们的压力是个问题。 How to reduce our stress is a question. (主语从句作主语) 我们立刻解决这个问题是件紧急的事。 Its urgent that we solve the problem right now. (it 作形式主语, that 引导主语从句),Have a try,Translate the sentences into Chinese. 6. 迎接新世纪的挑战很重要。 Its necessary for us to meet the challenge of the new century. (it 作形式主语,不定式短语做真正主语),1.我不做大哥好多年了。 2.木屋烧烤是奥巴马的弟弟开的。 3.你没有牵着女朋友走过财大的银杏大道真是遗憾。 4.他弄清楚了他其实对过四级不感兴趣。 5.重要的是我们应该密切注意他的健康情况。,句子成分2:谓语 谓语说明主语的动作、状态或特征。谓语由动词或动词短语充当,或者由“系动词+表语”构成。谓语的位置一般出现在主语之后。 动词分为:实义动词、系动词、助动词和情态动词。 1. 实义动词为行为动词。它是表示动作或状态的动词,能单独做谓语。进一步可以分为及物动词(如believe, lend, make, win等)和不及物动词(如happen, sleep, work等)。,句子成分2:谓语 2. 系动词:系动词本身有意思,但不能单独做谓语,后面必须跟表语,构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等。 包括: be 动词 感官系动词:feel, look, smell, sound, taste 等 变化系动词:become, grow, turn, get, go 持续性系动词:keep, remain, stay 表“像”系动词:seem, appear, look 终止性系动词:prove, turn out,句子成分2:谓语 3. 助动词:have, be, do 等。 助动词一般没有意义,不能单独做谓语。助动词的作用主要帮助构成各种时态、语态、否定句和疑问句。 如:He is waiting for the bus. He has made up his mind. Do you love me? 4. 情态动词:can, could, may, might, must, should, need, have to, ought to, dare等,句子成分2:谓语 练习: His parents are teachers. 系动词+表语 2. The sun rises in the east. 实义动词(不及物动词) We have finished reading the book. 助动词+动词过去分词,句子成分2:谓语 练习: 4. You ought to work harder. 情态动词+动词原形 I felt cold. 系动词+表语 6. He doesnt like music. 助动词+动词原形,句子成分3:宾语 宾语是动词的动作对象。一般由名词、宾格代词,或相当于名词的词、短语或从句充当(包括不定式、动名词还有宾语从句)。宾语分为直接宾语和间接宾语。 I will graduate from LTP. 介词+宾语 I like coffee. 动词+宾语 Im afraid that I will fail the exam. 形容词+宾语,句子成分3:宾语 练习: He has never met her in person. 宾格代词 She handed him a book. him 宾格代词作间接宾语,a book 名词作直接宾语。 He likes to play basketball. 不定式短语作宾语,句子成分3:宾语 练习: We enjoy listening to the music. 动名词短语作宾语 She said that she felt sick. 宾语从句作宾语 They sent the injured to hospital. 名词化的形容词作宾语 又如:the old, the young,句子成分3:宾语 练习: I find it impossible to believe her any longer. it 作形式宾语,不定式短语作真正的宾语 We consider it no good getting up late. it 作形式宾语,动名词短语作真正的宾语 They believed it strange that he should have done that. it 作形式宾语,宾语从句作真正的宾语,Have a try,Translate the sentences into Chinese. 我觉得游泳令我感到轻松。 I find swimming very relaxing. (动名词作宾语) 2. 我觉得学英语很重要。 I think that learning English is important. (that 引导宾语从句,作宾语) I consider it important to learn English. (it 作形式宾语,to learn English 不定式短语作真正宾语),Have a try,Translate the sentences into Chinese. 3. 我们觉得在2008年奥运会成为志愿者是很有意义的。 We think (that) it was meaningful to become volunteers in the 2008 Olympic Games. (that 引导宾语从句,作宾语) We think it meaningful that we became volunteers in the 2008 Olympic Games. (it 作形式宾语,that 引导宾语从句作真正宾语),句子成分II: 表语/定语/状语/补,一、表语 系动词是表示人或事物状态、性质的动词, 如: be, get, sound, look, seem, feel等。系动词后 面的部分叫表语。作表语的典型词类是形容词, 也可以名词、数词、极少数副词(如here, there)、介词短语、不定式、分词、表语从句等。系动词与表语共同构成谓语, 说明主语的状态、性质等。,练习:请找出下列句子的表语并指出表语是由什么来充当的(名词、数词、形容词、介词, 不定式, 分词, 还是表语从句)。 1. My wallet is on the desk. ( _ ) 2. The book isnt mine. ( _ ),mine,名词性物主代词。,on the desk, 介词短语。,3. The leaves turn yellow in fall. ( _ ) 4. He has become a police officer. ( _ ),a police officer, 名词。,yellow ,形容词。,5. My suggestion is that we should start at once. ( _ ) 6. My suggestion is to leave at once. ( _ ),to leave at once, 不定式短语。,that we should start at once. 表语从句。,7. His speech was boring. ( _ ) 8. The whole class got excited at the good news. ( _ ),excited, 过去分词。,boring, 现在分词。,二、定语 定语用来修饰名词或代词, 起限定作用。作定语的典型词类是形容词和形容词性物主代词, 也可以是数词、名词、介词短语、分词、定语从句等。定语一般位于被修饰词之前,但若修饰复合不定代词(如something)时, 或者是短语或定语从句作定语, 则总是放在所修饰名词的后边。,练习:请找出下列句子的定语并指出定语是由什么充当(形容词、形容词性代词、数词、名词、介词短语、分词还是定语从句) 1. The beautiful sight attracts many tourists every year. ( _ ),beautiful, 形容词; many, 数词。,2. The wallet on the desk is mine. ( _ ) 3. The demanding boss wasnt satisfied with my work. ( _ ),demanding,现在分词; my,形容词性代词。,on the desk, 介词短语。,4. That building being repaired is our library. ( _ ) 5. He is
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