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学习目标:能够叙述健康饮食,最好能在其中合理运用定语从句。能够借助图片、生活情境谈论健康问题。能够通过与同学交流获取相关信息。知识回顾:一、 补全短文:Jamie Oliver is a young cook wants to improve school dinners. 2005 he went back to school to see the children were eating.He to teach the cooks and children about food. It was !He cooked healthy meals them meat, rice , pasta and ,but a lot of the teenagers to eat the new food Jamie them why the junk food healthy , when Jamie them to try his cooking, they liked !来源:学|科|网二、 翻译句子1.中午饭吃的不健康的孩子们下午很难管。 midday meals were in the afternoon.2.老师们说孩子们在午饭后表现得很糟糕。 that children after lunch.3.Jamie意识到孩子们对健康食品知道不多。Jamie the children didnt 4.然后他就跟在厨房里的工作人员谈话了 he the people worked 5.他们没有太多可供花费的资金They didnt 翻译句子:1.他就是那个我差点弄丢他的相机的人 .2.Jamie就是这样一位厨师,他的观念正在改善英国学校的饮食Jamie .body exercise give up had better think about unhealthyRead the passagespa”of Page 86 and then fill in the blanks by yourself.MondyIve put on so much weight after the summer holidays! I should more, instead of watching so much TV and eat foodI dont want to get fat and have health problems. So I start a fitness programme. Im joining the gym at the sports centre. But Im really not looking forward to itThursdayGuess what?Ive started enjoying going to the gym! At first, my whole hurt, and I felt so tired after my first class, I nearly ! But I knew I should go on.Exercise1.( )Its bad for your health. You must smoking and drinking.A、keep on B、stop from C、put away D、give up2. ( )The weather report says it will be snowy today. ! No cloud in the sky.A、Impossibly B、Likely C、Unlikely D、No wonder3. ( )Some cleaners to go back to work because they wanted to get . pay.A、stopped;high B、refused;higher C、accepted;rich D、No wonder来源:Zxxk.Com4. ( )This foreign camera so much that I cant afford it.A、spent B、cost C、got D、offered来源:学科网5. ( )Can you her out of her foolish plans?-Nobody can manage to do it.来源:学科网A、want B、persuade C、be against D、disagree6. ( )Bad manners are strictly in our school, and everyone is well educated.A、allowed B、banned C、advised D、disappeared7. ( )The children who have junk food for dinner arent easy .A、to teach B、from teaching C、to be taught D、to be teaching8. ( )I asked a favour of him, but . I had to do it all by myself.A、refused B、would refuse C、was refused D、have refused9. ( )You did badly in the maths exam. Have you realised the of carelessness?A、advantage B、disadvantage C、harm D、good10. ( )Hold on to morning exercise if you want to stay .A、fitness B、fit C、fitly D、healthy11. ( )I into an old friend when I was on the train T227 to Beijing.A、get B、met C、bumped D、caught12. ( )After the two-hour jounery, my classmates felt a bit A、tired B、relaxed C、interested D、boring13. ( )Do you think youll get your homework on time?A、over B、ending C、to finish D、finished14. ( )You have eaten too much junk food. Doctors have advised you to make changes to the .A、training B、diet C、hobbies D、favourite15. ( )Everyday exercise can make us lose and stay healthy.A、food B、weight C、sugar D、diet课堂小结:作业: A层: B层:
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