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独家珍藏:三一口语7-9级的考试自选话题说到这具体的考试环节其实就只是一个培训的问题了,不过最大的难点还是自选话题的甄选的问题,下面我给大家一些很好的选择,Selecting a topic(话题选择)Anything you can talk aboutBlog.Senior citizens life in BeijingHow to reduce work pressure shopping on lineComment on a moviemy holiday planHow to save watershould we compete all the time?Should Chinese people be encouraged to buy cars?My plan of starting a private businessI hate car alarms以上这些话题比较新颖,并且很适合孩子谈论。到了7级,孩子不但要注重话题的质量,还要注重话题的深度。下面向大家展示三一7级中的一个话题:“童年记忆”,大家在备考时,可以参考下面的形式:Early MemoriesMy Arrival to BritainWhen I was four years old, my father was sent to work in Britain so he took me and my mother with him to London. We got to London on a mid-summers evening but the sky was still quite light. My father told me that London is much nearer to the North Pole than Beijing, so day is much longer than night in summer, while night is much longer than day during the winter. London is a really big city with lots of cars and heavy traffic. My first impression of London was old and crumbling unlike Beijing, where there are lots of new and modern buildings.Did you like the school life there?My father put me in a primary school which is called Our Lady Roman Catholic Primary school. The first several months were quite hard to me. I could not understand what they were talking about and what I knew were simple words like toilet, water, good morning and bye-bye. The teachers and classmates were very kind to me and step by step I made progress with my English. I made lots of friends there. This photo was taken when I was in Year One. Look, heres my best friend Laurie Rankin. She once invited me to her birthday party. These two are Alexandra Craze, (Alex for short) and Ivana Nicolaou. This is our teacher Miss Clarke. And look, thats me! Back then as you see from this picture my hair was very short, I looked really like a boy. When I was in reception I was in the nativity play. I was to be one of the three wise men giving out gifts whenJesuswas born. The school organized lots of Activities like visiting London Zoo, Tate Modern Museum and going to the church. This photo was taken by my mother in the school sports day. I won three races.What did you do in the weekends?Nearly every weekend my parents took me out to parks. There are lots of parks in London and my favorite is the Greenwich Park. Greenwich Park is well-known for its Observatory and Greenwich Meantime. There is also a playground and a deer park within it. In the deer park there are lots of deer and squirrels. The squirrels like to eat peanuts. Once I put a peanut in my hat and placed it on my lap. The squirrel bounded forwards and ate the peanut in the hat! I nearly touched the squirrels soft fur.What was my hobby in London?Reading was and still is my hobby. I really liked to go to local libraries near our home. The first time my father helped me ask for a library card so you can borrow twelve books at one go. I started with picture books with more pictures than words, and later I could read books with more words than pictures, some with no pictures at all. I also started to borrow audio books so I could listen to them at home. Sometimes my parents took me to the bookstores so that I could read newly published books. I usually sit on the floor while reading. I could always find some books of my liking. My favorite author is J. K. Rowing. She wrote the book Harry Potter series. I have read all the English version of the seven books now. Roald Dahls books are good too: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator are the most entertaining. I also like Enid Blyton, David Henry Wilson, C.S.Lewis and Lemony Snicket. I like reading because it can make me more imaginative and give me more knowledge.How do you spend you holidays?In the school holidays I traveled with my parents to different places in or out of Britain. Weve been to the capital of France-Paris and climbed the Eiffel Tower; we visited Frances Disneyland too. Then we traveled to the capital of Italy-Rome and ate pizza on the street. Venice is a beautiful Water City in Italy. It is a marvelous place to have a holiday, but in the summer the mosquitoes were very bothering. I got stung twenty times in three days.Once, me, my mother and my father went to Edinburg for the EasterHolidays. We stayed in an old house which had once been the home of the famous author of Treasure Island-Robert Louis Stevenson. The book is about a boy called Jim Hawkins going on an adventure with pirates.Cambridge is a good place for education and boating. My father steered the boat when we went boating in Cam River. He had the oar and was standing on the deck all on his own. Me and my mother were afraid that my father would fall into the water! He didnt fall in the water; he didnt even scrap the sides of the boat when we were under the bridge.Ho
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