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Unit 1 Visiting relatives一. 教学内容:Module 4 Relationships Unit 1 Visiting relatives Period 2(一)课标单词(二)重点短语(三)语法知识(四)描述不同方位(五)回顾一次出行二. 知识总结与归纳(一)课标单词1. swan 2. raise 3. national 4. brick5. stone 6. mountain 7. ancient 8. history9. interest 10. holiday 11. wonderful 12. another(二)重点短语1. arrive in 2. taketo3. in the center / (north-west) of4. places of interest5. (north) of6. a long time ago7. the Summer Palace8. the Palace Museum9. Tiananmen Square10. the Great Wall 11. have a wonderful time12. the Spring Festival(三)语法知识Simple future tense 一般将来时 be going to do 将要做某事来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K 含义:表示计划打算做某事,或者有某种迹象表明要发生某事否定式:be not going to do e.g.: The Lis are going to visit the Summer Palace. 李家人打算去参观颐和园。 The clouds in the sky are dark, its going to rain. 天空阴云密布,要下雨了。 注意:be going to do中的be动词需要根据不同的人称转换成am, is, are等不同形式。(四)描述不同方位 表示方位时不同介词的用法和不同含义 介词in,on,to 都可以用来表示某个位置的方向,它们的意义不同,故表示的方向及范围也不同: 1. in 表示方位,含义是“在之内”,即一个小地方处在一个大地方的范围之内。e.g.: China is in the east of Asia. 中国在亚洲东部。(中国处于亚洲的范围之内) The Summer Palace is in the north-west of Beijing. 颐和园在北京的西北部。 (颐和园处于北京范围之内) Taiwan is in the east of China. 台湾在中国的东部。(台湾是中国东部的一个省份,在中国的范围之内) Shanghai is in the east of China. 上海位于中国的东部。(上海是中国的一个直辖市,在中国的范围之内)不可以说:Shanghai is in the south of Beijing .因为上海虽然在北京南边,但上海不是北京的一部分,不在北京范围之内。 注意:在使用in the of短语时,有时可以说: of来源:Z*xx*k.Come.g.: China is in the east of Asia. (east在此处作名词)可以说:China is east of Asia. (east在此处作副词)来源:学科网ZXXK两句话意思都是:中国在亚洲东部。2. on 表示方位,含义是“在端/边”,即一个地方在另一个地方的某一端或某一边,两个地方只是相邻或接壤,却互不管辖。e.g.: China is on the east of the Pacific. 中国东临太平洋。(中国与太平洋相邻) 3. to 表示方位,含义是“在面”,即两地离开较远,没有包含或相邻的关系。尤其当两个地方有湖泊、大海等区域相隔时,通常用 to。e.g.: Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。(日本在中国范围之外,且两国并不紧邻) There is a beautiful park to the east of the station. 车站东面有一座景色宜人的公园。(说明车站和公园中间有一定距离,并不是紧邻) (五)回顾一次出行 回顾出行时,通常要用一般过去时表示发生过的事情, 但介绍照片上的情况可以用一般现在时。1. Where are you now?2. Where did you go?3. What did you do?4. What/ Whos in the photograph?e.g.: Im in Shanghai now. I had a wonderful time in Hong Kong. 来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KI did some shopping and visited Disneyland.Here is a photo of me.Im standing in front of Disneyland.【典型例题】 Complete Helens letter for her grandpa about her trip.1. Where is Helen now?来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K来源:学科网 Shanghai来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学科网ZXXK2. Where did she go?Xian3. What did she do?Visited Terra- cotta warriors (兵马俑)来源:学科网ZXXK4. What/ Whos in the photograph?Helen Sitting in a restaurant来源:学科网Helens letter25 August 2008Dear grandpaHow are you?Im back in _ now. 来源:学|科|网I had a good time in _. I _there This is a photograph of _.Im _. Hope to hear from you soon!LoveHelen参考答案Helens letter25 August 2008Dear grandpa来源:学科网How are you?Im back in Shanghai now. I had a good time in Xian. I visited Terra- cotta warriors there.This is a photograph of me.Im sitting in a restaurant. Hope to hear from you soon!LoveHelen
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