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Module 5 My NeighbourhoodUnit 2 Choosing a new flat这个单元的教学动了不少脑筋。从词、词组、到句型、语法点来源:学科网 例如:tidy-tidily; untidy-untidily; drawer; put away这些语言点是在p.83,借用了一个很好的现成的flash,真是幸福死了!里面还有一首童稚的歌曲,配以动漫,学生喜欢得很,一致要求重听一次。(回味一下lyric: Im building a house; with lots of bricks; with solid walls)然后请两个同学上黑板,一个同学的字写得很工整,另一反之!听写几个词语,批分,然后说:xxx should get more points! Look at his writing! How is it? It is tidy! What about y? untidy! How do they write? Xxx writes tidily! YYY writes untidily. How should we write? .好了,解决了四个词!再指着某生的抽屉:Look at xxs drawer. How is it? Tidy or untidy? What can we do to make our drawers tidier? We can put away our books tidily.到此为止,解决了所有生词、词组的新授。好不快哉!来源:Zxxk.Com Opposite; next to; near; between把学校的周边画成一幅简要的地图,Rich Villas; GM car factory; Gold Apple School; Huagao Estate; a gas station; Metro line No.6 边画边说,画好了、几个介词教好了!来源:Z*xx*k.ComFlash 里面的家具布置真漂亮!还可以手动反复摆放家具!Great!学生边练听、边动手!这不就是传说中的TPR教学法嘛!其实如果没有课件,也可以让全班同学听、画。来源:学。科。网 复习现在完成时1突出了一个moving day的英译汉,最后全班商定:翻译成“乔迁之喜”!来源:Z,xx,k.Com来源:学科网ZXXK2介绍:Many Chinese think the moving day is very important. Before that day, they often buy some firecrackers. They will fire them on the moving day to drive away bad evils! Some make a fire and burn around the new flat. Why? drive away the evil too! Ha-ha! They choose a day with nice weather. Never a rain day! But it can rain a little. It means the good luck will grow here! On the moving day, the parents should never say bad words and kids should never cry, or they will be unlucky! Of course, they should pack things up! They phone for a removal company. 还顺带介绍了superstitious这个词,同时把这些蓝色的字写在黑板上(大有深意焉)!3听录音,然后问:what have the Lis decided to do? What have Ben and Kitty packed? What have the removal men done? 顺利解决理解,随后加问了一句:What else have the Lis done? I guess the Lis are also very superstitious! 立刻孩子们呼应起来了:They have bought some firecrackers. They have made a fire and burnt around the flat. They have chosen a lucky day! They havent said any bad words. They have phoned for a removal company孩子们真聪明!他们这么快的领悟了我的意思,操练起了复习了现在完成时!利用了黑板上我提供的词语!胡晓渔说出了别的句子:They have bought a new refrigerator! 4教后记:传统的搬家概念,甚或迷信的概念被介绍进了课堂,是否不太好?但是:用学生感兴趣的内容教授英语,这本身也是一个良好的跨文化交际尝试。课外、课内的东西情景交融,杂糅共处,学生没有觉得生硬、说教,将语法的学习揉于生活中,上课不是随便说些话题,而是言必有用、言必操练,巧借情景、巧设情景,很有一种语用的意义,不亦快哉!
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