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Unit 2 He was invited to competitions around the world一、教学目标1. 语言知识目标Key vocabularysportsman, ability, hurdling, sportswoman, race, record, method, hurdles, Japan, break, sportsperson, Asian, suffer, courage, prideKey structureshigh jump, set up, suffer from, first place, stop sb. from doing sth. take pride in 了解这些句子和短语在文中的意思及用法。2. 语言技能目标让学生能够听懂介绍体育比赛的对话,能够谈论自己喜欢的运动队或明星,能够对同学们参加体育活动的情况进行小结并发表简单评论,能够写出介绍运动员的文章。3. 情感态度目标介绍了刘翔的成长和成名的经历。让学生了解刘翔的成名的经历,培养学生积极、健康向上的精神和顽强的意志力。二、教学重点1. 学习文中的一些表达法。2. 了解一些过去时的被动语态的用法。三、教学过程Step 1 Lead-in 通过一些图片导入话题,让学生谈论图片。Step 2 学习新单词老师出示一些图片,让学生看着图片说出单词的意思。Step 3 Reading让学生通过读短文来了解刘翔成长为奥运跨栏冠军的经历以及他作为奥运英雄的生活,让学生感知文中一般过去时,并学习一些新的单词和短语。1. 让学生先听文章内容,回答两个简单的问题。 Who won a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games? Liu Xiang Where was Liu Xiang born? In Shanghai.2. 先让学生快速浏览短文,理解文章的主旨,并浏览3个选项,选出最佳答案。然后全班核对答案,说出选此答案的理由。a) Liu Xiang was helped by his sports school to win a gold medal.b) Liu Xiang will be a star and not a sports hero.c) Liu Xiang has trained for many years and won many gold medals.Key: c)3. 让学生细读课文,梳理出每个年份发生的事情,完成管匹配。然后由部分学生汇报,全班核对答案。2012 _2008 _2004 _2001 _1998 _1993 _(Grade 4)1983 _a) won his first international 110m hurdles raceb) hurdling ability noticedc) born in Shanghaid) won Olympic gold medale) started training at a sports schoolf) returned to first placeg) suffered from foot problemKeys: 1983-c 1993-e 1998-b 2001-a 2004-d 2008-g 2012-f3. 让学生个体活动,浏览方框中给出的单词,通读短文,完成填空。全班核对答案。ability Asian courage method pride raceThe Chinese take great (1) _ in Liu Xiang. At first, he was not very successful, but his coach noticed his (2) _ in running and jumping, and helped him change his training (3) _.He won a number of important (4) _ and became the first (5) _ sportsperson to win an Olympic gold medal for hurdling. However, from 2008 on, he missed some competitions because of a foot problem. Although he did not complete the 2012 Olympic Games, he is still a symbol of great (6) _ and success.Keys: 1. pride 2. ability 3. methods 4. races 5. Asian 6. courage Step 4 Learning to learn To learn about the notes.Notes usually include only the most important information from a passage. Further details and some words are left out as long as the meaning is clear.Step 5 Language points1. Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump. encourage sb. to do sth.表示“鼓励某人去做某事”。be encouraged to do sth.表示“被鼓励去做某事”。e.g. Ms Wang always encourages us to speak English in class. 王老师总是鼓励我们课上讲英语。 We are encouraged(by Ms Wang)to speak English in class. 我们总是被(王老师)鼓励在课上讲英语。2. at the same time broke the Olympic Games record.break表示“打破”,它的过去式为broke,过去分词为broken。break the record表示“打破记录”。3. In 2001, a special programme was set up to help young sportsmen and sportswomen. 2001年,(国家)创立了一个特殊项目,用来帮助年轻运动员。这个句子是一般过去时的被动语态。set的过去式和过去分词都为set。set up表示“设立;创办”。e.g. She plans to set up her own company. 她计划创办自己的公司。4. His races were recorded, and he was compared with the worlds best sports stars.be compared with表示“和相比”。e.g. Dont compare me with other students. 不要把我和其他学生相比较。5. From 2008 on, he suffered a lot from his foot problem, but he didnt give up.suffer from表示“受(某种病痛)折磨,因而受苦”。e.g. I often suffer from toothaches. 我经常遭受牙痛之苦。6. He still returned to first place in the world 110m hurdles race in 2012.first place表示“第一名,冠军”。e.g. He once won the first place in the race. 他曾在比赛中获得第一名。7. It is a pity that his foot problem stopped him from completing the 2012 London Olympic Games.its a pity that .表示“很遗憾”。e.g. Its a pity that he didnt see the movie yesterday. 很遗憾他没有看到昨天的电影。stop sb. from doing sth.表示“阻止某人做某事”。e.g. I want to stop my brother from playing computer games. 我想阻止我弟弟玩电脑游戏。8. and we continue to take great pride in him.当我们想表达“为感到骄傲、自豪”时,可以用take pride in。be proud of 表示“以为骄傲”。e.g. They take great pride in their daughters achievements. 他们为女儿的成就感到非常骄傲。 Im proud of my hometown. 我以我的家乡为傲。Step 6 Writing1. 让学生根据要点写出完整的句子,然后同桌互相检查,交流补充。最后由教师核对答案。2. 让学生两人一组交流,总结一般过去时被动语态的结构。然后教师总结以加深学生对被动语态的理解。最后全班核对答案。3. 学生两人一组进行活动,思考、讨论并拟出写作提纲。然后让学生自己根据自己对张怡宁的了解写一篇介绍张怡宁的短文。Step 7 Summary让学生们了解这些短语的意义和在句子的用法,掌握被动语态。 重点短语: set up suffer from first place stop sb. (from) doing sth. take pride inStep 8 Exercises让学生通过练习巩固所学的知识。1. Our school _ a new classroom for sports. A. set down B. set up C. set off D. set at2. Liu Xiang suffered _ great pain to take part in the hurdling last year. A. at B. off C. to D. from3. At last he got the _ place in the school math competition. A. first B. one C. his first 4. Liu
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