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外研社英语九年级上Module 1过关测试 年级_ 班级_ 姓名_一. 听力理解(A) 听下面五则对话,根据对话内容,从每组ABC三个选项中,找出能回答所提问题的图片(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. What time does the plane arrive in London? A. B .C.( ) 2. How did Linda go to the park last Sunday? A. B .C.( )3. What did Linda see last week? A B C( ) 4. Where is Andrew going? A BC( ) 5. When will Tom go to London? B) 听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )6. A. Monday. B. Hot. C. june1st.( )7. A. Coffee. B. Yes,please. C. Yes,I would.( )8. A. Yes. B. Thats right. C. Thanks.( )9. A.I like it. B.I have a headache. C I eat well.( )10. A. Im better. B. Hes better. C.I eat well. C) 听短文,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )11. A. Tom is from America. B. Tom is from Canada. C. Tom is from England.( )12. A. He is going to play basketball B. He is going to watch TV tomorrow. C. He is going to have a swim tomorrow.( )13. A. He stayed at home. B. He bought some books. C. He went to school.( )14. A. It will be fine tomorrow. B. It will be rainy tomorrow. C. It will be cloudy tomorrow.( )15. A. Some milk,bread and apples. B. Some bread,eggs and oranges. C. Some bread,milk and eggs.D) 听短文,根据其内容选出能完成下列句子的最佳答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )16. Many like going to pet show.A. children B. old men C. adults( )17. The children like it most when they ride on .A. an elephant B. a goat C. a cow( )18. The children like them most when they ride on .A. cats B. rabbits C. horses( )19. From the story we can know that the elephant likes to eat .A rice B. apples C. meat( )20. The children are very .A. hungry B. sad C. happy二单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)( )21. Dont go and bother him. He _ in the room. A. writes B. has written C. is writing D. has been writing ( )22. She will have a holiday as soon as she _ the work next week.A. finishes B. doesnt finish C. will finish D. wont finish( )23. Our physics teacher told us that light _ faster than sound.A. travel B. travels C. is travelling D. has travelled( )24. -I dont know if his uncle _ tomorrow. -I think he _ if it doesnt rain.A. will come; comes B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. comes; will come( )25. The supermarket is far from Marys house, so she _ only once a week.A. goes shopping B. has been there C. was shopping D. has gone there( )26. Yao Ming is 2.2 _ . A. meters high B. meters tall C. meters tall D. meters height ( )27. -Do you like that coat over there? -Yes, it_ very soft.A. felt B. feels C. is feeling D. is felt( )28. The shop here _ at half past eight in the morning, so you cant go until half past eight.A. opens B. is open C. is opened D. is opening( )29. They _ some books from the library last week.A. lend B. lends C. buy D. borrowed( )30. -Hi, Carol. How was your trip to Disney world? -Hi, Alice. Oh, we _ a good time there.A. are having B. have had C. had D. have( )31. -Your E-mail address? I _ quite catch it.A. dont B. wont C. cant D. didnt( )32. -I called you just now, but you werent in. -Sorry, I _ the reading-room.A. was in B. have gone to C. studied D. had been in( )33. It _ that they had no chance at the moment.A. seemed B. was seemed C. seem D. is seemed( )34. The children planted more trees and flowers after they _ Greener China.A. joined B. took part in C. became D. were( )35. Look at the clouds in the sky. There _ this afternoon.A. will be many rains B. is going to rain C. will rain D. is going to be a heavy rain( )36. There _ a good new TV play last night.A. has B. will have C. was D. is going to be( )37. -What is your sister doing now? -She is packing. She _ to Hong Kong next week.A. fly B. flew C. was flying D. is flying( )38. -Excuse me. What did you say you would like to do, Miss White? -I said Id better go back to the office. I _ someone this afternoon.A. would meet B. met C. am going to meet D. was meeting( )39. Do you know if _ back nex
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