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学习目标:1、记住本单元单词: 从bus 到 same .2、重要句型: These are - Whats sb.s job ? He /She is a/ an 3、this 和these的运用课堂准备:1、你能写出至少5个表示职业的名词吗? _ _2、试读课本Activity1 和Activity2 的单词, 不会读的在单词下打“”.并试着完成Activity1的填空.3、试读课本Activity3 短文, 不会读的在单词下打“”.自学交流:中英文互译。(熟练掌握下列职业及相关工作地点的词,比比谁完成的又快又好。)1). bus station _ 2). hotel_ 3).police station_ 4).hospital_ 5).school _ 6)theatre_ 7)演员_ 8).老师_ 9) 护士_ 10)经理_ 11)汽车司机_ 12)警察 _ _合作探究:1.Activity3.学会询问同学父母的职业,运用下列句型与你的同伴进行操练。(例如)A: What are your parents jobs?B: My mother is a teacher. My father is a doctor. What about your parents?A: My mother is an actor. My father is a manager of a theatre。小结:询问职业的句型有: What +be 名词(主语) job ? What +be 名词(主语)? What do/ does 主语+ do ?2. 在本课中出现的“动词+r /er /or ”构成的名词有哪些? 3. in /at hospital 和 in /at the hospital 的区别: 巩固提高:根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.This is a photo of Damings f . 2.My father is a bus d in Beijing .3.My father is the m of the theatre . 4.My mother works in a h . 5.There are many p in the police station . 6. Those are Pauls son and d .拓展延伸:单项选择:( )1.My father is ill, he is _ . A. at the hospital B. in hospital C. in the hospital D. on hospital ( )2.My mother is _ English teacher and my father is _ doctor. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D./ , /( )3.-_ _ ? Hes a manager. A. Who is your father B. How is your father C. What is your fathers job( )4.Look! This is _ bike . A. Tony B. Tonys C. Tonys ( )5._ a clever boy he is ! A. What B. How C. Where D. Who 本课小结:1、我背得了本课的单词、短语和句子2、我会询问职业及回答3、我会使用this 和these
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