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Module3 Unit3 Language in use 教案(外研版七年级上册)Warming up Hi, class. Language is something for use, for communication. And language can be learned in use, in communication. Today we shall learn about the English language in use. We shall learn about English Grammar and English Vocabulary.GrammarAre there any school offices?Yes, there are. There are some offices.Is there a computer on miss Lis desk?No, there isntThere arent any computers on our desks.1 Look around your classroom and talk about it.Boys and girls! Attention, please. Our classroom is new and pretty. Whod like to stand up, look around our classroom, and talk about it. Gao Li, would you like to try?There is a teachers desk in our classroom. Miss Lis bag is on the desk. Her book is in her bag. There are 46 students desks in our classroom. Linglings desk is in front of the teachers desk. Liu Yings desk is next to Damings desk. Im behind Liu Ying and Daming. There are books on our desks. There is a blackboard on the wall in front of the students. The teacher is writing something on the blackboard. There are four pictures on the wall behind us. There is a computer on the desk. Its next to the teachers desk. There are two dictionaries on the computers desk.Good job! Now lets go on to Activity 2. 2 Complete the sentences. Use behind, in front of, or next to.In the middle of page 18 is a map of a school. We go on to “read” this map. But first lets make some sentences using behind, in front of, and next to.I am behind Hou Yating. Liu Aijun is in front of Zhang Jian. Liang Zefeng is next to the back door.Now complete the sentences. Use behind, in front of, or next to.The gym is behind the science labs. The library is in front of the classrooms.The library is next to the dining hall. The classrooms are next to the offices.The science labs are in front of the gym. The dining hall is next to the library.The offices are next to the science labs. The classrooms are behind the library.The science labs are next to the offices.Make similar sentences telling about our classroom. Talk as they do.(仿说)The teachers office room is behind the gym. The school hospital is in front of the library.The library is next to the post office. The teaching buildings are next to the bike hall.The science labs are in front of the Rest Room. The dining hall is next to the school gate.The school shops are next to the dormitory buildings. The school bank is behind the library.The newspaper stands is next to the front wall.Vocabulary3 complete the word map with these wordsOn page 19, in the box, you see several words. Put them in the word map. You may draw a word map of you own.blackboard classroom dictionary gym office science labschoolclassroomofficeLibrary blackboarddeskdictionarytextbooknewspapermagazinegymEating roomAround the worldWe get around the world again! This time , we go to schools in the UK!While getting around schools in the UK, try to cut (断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions. Schools in the UKWrite about your school in Taiyuan, Shanxi.Module task Writing a letter describing your school.4 Work in PairsWrite a letter describing your school.Welcome to our school.This is our school. There are18 classrooms.This is our classroom. There are 46 students.Theres a blackboard and a teachers desk but there isnt a computer.This is our classroom. There are 40 students.This is our class library. There are 500 books.Theres a computer and a TV but there isnt a blackboard!
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