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Module5 Unit1 I love history 学案(外研版七年级上册)学习目标:1、学会本单元重点词汇:从half到when ; 句型: Its +点钟 . We have +学科 . Do you like ? When is ? 2、掌握时间表达法和有关科目名称。3、行为动词的一般现在时(I)课堂准备:在课文中找出下列词组,进行课前朗读,十二点钟 _ 一点二十 _ 六点半_ 十点四十_ 在星期一 _ 上语文课 _上一节英语课 _ 我最喜爱的课 _ 在八点钟_ 在九点五十五_自学交流: 1. 试着了解时间的表达法: Its oclock. Its half pastIts past Its to .2.两人一组操练英语时间表述句型: A: What time is it ? /Whats the time ? B: Its half past eight . Its six oclock . 合作探究:1.小结时间的表达法: 直接表达法: oclock. half past直接说数字间接表达法 past to 2.in, on at 在时间前的不同用法: in on at 巩固提高:开展小组活动,谈论一下你们学校的课程、上课时间以及自己对学科的喜好等。(参考课本Activity7) 拓展延伸:单项选择:( )1、_ do you go to school ? I go to school at 7 oclock .A What B When C How D Which( )2、 I_ homework at five oclock . A do my B does my C do I D does ( )3、They _English lesson on Monday . A have B have an C have a D have some ( )4、We have breakfast _ half past ten _ the morning . A in , at B at , in C on , in D at , on( )5 、_ is it today ? It is Friday . A When B what C What day D What time( ) 6 、Lingling and Daming _ art class today . A havent B not have C dont have D doesnt have ( ) 7、What time is it now ? _ eight oclock . A It B Its C Its D Is( ) 8 Maths _ my favourite lesson . A have B is C are D has 本课小结:1.我背得了本课的单词、短语和句子2.时间表达法(1)直接说数字:先说小时,后说分(顺读法)(2)逆着说数字:先说分,后说小时(逆读法)不超过30分: 分钟+past+小时 大于30分小于60分: 分钟+to+小时 (3)特殊说法整点:小时数+oclock半点: half past +小时 15分钟: a quarter past+小时45分钟: a quarter to +(小时数+1)3.问星期几?4.have+课程-上.课
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