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首峰中学初中部英语科导学案学科英语班级初三2、3执教人施荣贵课型新课主备人施荣贵课题Unit3 English Around the WorldTopic 2 English is spoken differentlyin different countries.Section A课 时1时 间2012.11.26先学导 学 设 计 复备笔记学习目标(重难点)1. 会理解和拼读新单词和词组短语:Australian, difference, autumn, face to face2. 会读译下列有用的表达法:(1) Sorry, I cant follow you. Can you speak more slowly, please?(2) English is spoken differently in different English-speaking countries.(3) Have a good trip! (4) If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences.3. 掌握现在进行时表将来的用法:Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow. 4.讨论不同国家英语的差别。自学指导课前准备:1. 独立尝试拼读新单词。2.对课文进行初步阅读,并英译汉1a。课前思考:1. Which language is widely used in the world?2. What should we learn well if we want to go to Britain?3. What should we say when we meet the British people in London?先学检测英译汉:sheilas ( ) good on ya, mate! ( ) boot ( )gday ( )选词填空:same change succeed use speak difference As we know, English is widely _ around the world. But can all English _ understand each other all the time?Of course not. Even the _word can have many different meanings.Sometimes the meaning can_, depending on the country where it is spoken. For example, there are differences between British English and American English. Also, Australian English is a little different from British English. If you want to _ in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these_.后 教小组学习1.告诉学生1a中的重要句子,让学生翻译并找出知识点;2.小组长领读重要句子。展示点拨1. I cant follow you. follow = understand, 意为“理解,领会” eg:Do you follow me? 遵循,遵从2. Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow. be flying 进行时态表将来 包括:leave, come, go, arrive, start等。 eg:They are leaving for Japan next week.3. make + 宾语 + 过去分词(宾语补足语) 被动关系 eg: My English is so poor. I cant make myself understood in the U.S.A. 类似的短语:have + 宾语+ 过去分词重点讲解1.depend on 视 而定,取决于 (不用于进行时态和被动语态) 依靠, 相信 eg: 1. Everything depends on the weather. 2. You cant depend on your parents. 实义动词 need to do sth.2. need need doing sth. 情态动词 后接动词原形,多用于疑问句 和否定句堂练当堂训练根据句意,用括号中词的正确形式填空:1. We should know the _ (different) between British English and American English.2. The woman is too nervous to make her _ (understand).3. My teacher _ (fly) to Fujian next week.4. He succeeds in _ (pass) the exam.说说下列缩略词的含义BTW:_OIC:_CU:_How RU:_GR8:_反馈提升听力训练:Listen to the tape and choose the right answers.( ) 1. What is Zhao Min?A. A student. B. A teacher. C. A singer.( ) 2. Where is she now?A. In England. B. In the U.S.A. C. In Canada.( ) 3. When will she take her next exam?A. In March. B. In September. C. In June.( ) 4. What does ”fall” mean in this dialog?A. Drop down. B. June. C. Autumn.( ) 5. What does she want to be in the future?A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A nurse.课后作业:B组完成Wb P60第I、II两大题;A组完成Wb P60第I、II和III三大题;教学后记
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