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九年级上仁爱版英Unit1opic 3 The world has changed for the betterSection A教学设计The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and expressions:as a matter of fact, break out, granddaughter, grandchild, fire, stairs, downstairs2. Talk about changes in New York.(1)I heard the traffic there was terrible and everyone drove too fast.(2), its a wonderful place to live.3. Learn the present perfect tense with “for” or “since”.(1)You have been in New York for a long time.(2)The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.4. Master word formation: compounds. 5. Learn to help people in trouble. . Teaching aids 教具多媒体/几张新旧北京图片/小黑板或幻灯片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)(教师用多媒体或图片展示2组北京过去和现在的画面,让同学们观看、讨论北京的变化,引出纽约的变化。)T: With the quick development of the modern society, Beijing has changed a lot. Look at the pictures and discuss them.T: Beijing has changed a lot. Who can describe them?(教师出示过去北京城的画面问。)S1: The houses were small and the streets were dirty in the past.T: Youre right. Who can describe this picture?(教师指着现在北京城的画面问。)S2: There are lots of buildings in Beijing now.S3: More ring roads.S4: They can enjoy more sorts of leisure activities.S: Communicate more easily and quickly.T: Well done! Now the world is changing fast. Lets listen to the tape to know about the changes in New York.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)(学生听录音后,再阅读1a,并回答老师的问题。)T:Now, who can answer the question? How was New Yorks traffic?S1:The traffic was terrible and everyone drove too fast.T:Youre right. But youll get used to it very soon. What about its streets in the past?(板书词组get used to,要求会与used to区分。)get used toused toS2:The streets were dirty.T:Does it change now?S2:Yes. It is quite clean now.T:Is New York a dangerous place now?Ss:No, it isnt. It was dangerous in the past.T:Yes, its quite safe now. As a matter of fact, its a wonderful place to live. There are a lot of beautiful parks, good schools, famous museums and excellent restaurants.(板书as a matter of fact=in fact,并讲解,要求掌握。)as a matter of fact=in factT:Well done. Your answers are excellent. If you want to know more about New York, you must come for a visit there. Do you want to go there?Ss:Yes. Of course.(板书并讲解。)come for a visitT: I hope you have chances. Now lets read after the tape.(教师播放录音,学生跟读一遍。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)1. (再读1a,完成1b,并根据1b提供的信息,写一篇短文比较纽约新旧变化。)T: Read 1a again. Write a short passage to compare New York nowadays with that of the past.(给学生几分钟,然后读范文。)T:Who can read your article to us?S1:I can. New York has changed a lot. The traffic in New York was terrible in the past, but its quite safe now. In fact, the streets were dirty in the past, but its very clean. Its a wonderful place to live, and the restaurants are quite excellent. You must come for a visit, and you can see New York for yourself.2. (再读1a,编造相似对话。)(给学生几分钟,然后读范文。)T:Who wants to read your dialog to us?A and B: Lets have a try.A:Youve been in Paris for five years. What do you think of there?B: Wonderful.A: But I heard the weather and the traffic were terrible there.B:They used to be. But the city has improved a lot since I came here five years ago.A:Is it a good place to live?B:Yes. The traffic isnt terrible again and the streets arent dirty again, and there are many excellent places to visit. You must come for a visit.A:I will go there if I have a chance.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:13分钟)1. (再读1a,比较含有since和for的现在完成时的两个句子,通过做游戏简单了解此语法,完成1c。)T: Read 1a again and complete the sentences with “since” or “for”.(1)You have been in New York for a long time.(2)The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.T:Can you find the differences between them?Ss:Not exactly.T:Lets play the game “In the waiting room” to learn about it, OK?Ss:Great.(老师讲述游戏规则,并用幻灯片把范例呈现出来。)T:Today Dr. Lee is very busy. He has lots of patients in the waiting room. Nurse Wang is helping him to make the order. Oh, how careless Nurse Wang is! She cant find the list paper. But luckily, the patients had their arrival time written on the card. Can you help Nurse Wang to list the order? Now each group is given a box with cards with time inside. Please pick up one and decide at first whether you should use “since” or “for”, and then ask one another “How long have you been in the waiting room?” and try to help Nurse Wang to arrange the order.(幻灯片出示范例。) For example:Present time: 11 oclock in the morningTime: Patient 1(7:30); Patient 2(10:00); Patient 3(9:10)S1: How long have you been here?Patient 1: I have been here since 7:30./I have been here for three and a half hours.Patient 2: I have been here for one hour./I have been here since 10.Patient 3: I have been here since 9:10./I have been here for one hour and fifty minutes.So, the
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