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Section B学习目标:一、知识1 继续学习关于购物的句型。(1)Can I help you?Im just looking, thanks.(2)How do you like the pants?Theyre too long.(3)What do you think of this green skirt?Oh, I dont like it at all.(4)Well, Ill think about it. Thank you all the same.2 学习一些表示建议的句型。(1) Why not try on that pair?(2) How about the blue one?二、方法情景交际法。三、情感 培养学生解决问题及合理理财的能力。学习重点:购物交际用语和表示建议的句型。学习难点及突破策略:学习难点: 表示建议的句型。突破策略: 情景交际法。学习流程:【阅读质疑 自主探究】一、 走入新课1按照3中的要求做游戏,复习数字。2听录音,写下玛丽父母想买物品的价格,完成2a。3小组讨论并制定一个购物单,完成2b二、 阅读提示1:1听1a中A部分的录音,并回答问题:(1) Does the boy want to buy anything?2听1a中B部分的录音,并回答问题:(2) What does the boy want to buy?(3) How does he like the pants?3听1a中 C部分的录音,并回答问题:(4) What do they want to buy?(5) Does Jane like the green skirt? (6) Does Jane buy the blue skirt?二、阅读提示2:1. 仔细阅读1a中服务员与顾客之间的对话,找出服务员所说的关键句。_2. 再读1a中的对话,找出表示建议的句子。: _ _ _【多元互动 合作探究】1. 小组讨论所找出的表示建议的句子,然后总结成句型。 _ _ _2. 再读1a中的对话, 找出你不懂的问题: _ _ _ _3. 跟录音机读1a中的对话, 注意语音语调。4两人一组操练1a对话, 并表演,完成1b。【训练检测 目标探究】1从方框中选择适当的单词或短语完成下面的句子。just, pair, madam, think about, all the same(1) Please give me that _ of shoes.(2) Thank you _ .(3) Mike will _ that yellow T-shirt.(4) We are _ looking here.(5) Can I help you, _ ?2. 根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相近或相同。 (1) How do you like this dress? What do you _ _ this dress? (2) Why dont you drive a car? _ _ drive a car? (3) What about eating some apples? _ _ eating some apples? (4) Can I help you? _ can I do _ you? (5) - Lets go to school. - OK. - Lets go to school. - _ _ .3. 从方框中选择适当的选项完成对话,有两项多余。A. Its 240 yuan.B. Its blue.C. Do you have a blue one?D. No, it isnt.E. Yes, please.F. Ill take it.G. It looks very nice.A: Hello! May I help you?B: (1) _ I want a T-shirt.A: How about this one? (2) _B: Well, its nice, but I dont like it.A: Look at this one, please.B: Oh, I dont like the color. (3) _A: Yes, we do. Here is a blue one.B: How much is it?A: (4) _B: OK. (5) _ Thank you.A: Youre welcome.【迁移应用 拓展探究】学习链接:用一百元钱制定你的购物计划。列出你想要购买的东西的名称、数量、颜色和价格。_学后反思:_
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