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unit5 Topic1 Section D教案 仁爱版时间参加人员地点办公室主备人课题Topic 1Section D教学目标1.知识与技能:(1)Master some new words and expressions:(2). Review the attributive clause2.过程与方法:Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案3.情感态度与价值Talking about the life in the south and north of China.重、难点即考点分析Learn the attributive clause课时安排1教具使用录音机/幻灯片/若干图片 教 学 环 节 安 排备注Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:15分钟)1. (检查作业,检查学生的对话,从学生对话中所谈的地点引出南北方。)T:Last class I asked you to make a dialog. Who can tell me your dialog?S1:The summer vacation is coming. Where will you want to go for your vacation?S2:I have no idea now. What about you?S1:I want to go to Hangzhou. I am eager to visit West Lake for a long time.S2:Thats a good place that you visit. Especially West Lake. It is surrounded on three sides by mountains with a lot of places of interest.S1:You know much about West Lake.S2:Certainly. Thats my hometown.S1:Oh, would you like to visit with me?S2:You bet. Lets make it.S1:OK. Good-bye.S2:Bye.(教师总结,过渡到南方和北方。)T:Well done. They want to visit West Lake. We all know West Lake is in Hangzhou. But where is Hangzhou?S3:It is in the south of China.T:Good. But where are we?S4:We are in the north of China.T:OK. Lets have a discussion.(板书)What are the differences between the south and the north of China?S5:Its warm in the south. But Its cold in the north.S6:The people in the south are usually shorter than people in the north.(教师总结,并为下一步作铺垫。)T: Thats right. But there are some other differences between the south and the north.2. (用多媒体展示南北方的一系列的图片,通过南北方图片的对比得出南北方在气候、地形等方面的差异。)T: OK. Lets look at some pictures and compare them.(1)(出示第一组图片。)(让学生用自己的语言来简单地描述两幅图。)T:Can you describe the scenery of the pictures?Example: Its very cold in the north of China. Snow is here and there. Its hot in picture 2. Its green all the year round.(2)(出示第二组图片,目的是通过两幅图的地貌特征的对比,总结出南北方地貌的差别。)T:Look at the two pictures. Can you tell me the features of them?S7:In the first picture the ground is flat.S8:In the second picture the hills are high or short.S9:In the second picture the hills are big or small.(教师总结,并呈现plain。)T:Yes, you are right. We can call the first picture plain. But the second is hill.plain n.平原hill n.小山,丘陵T: In fact, there are wide plains in the north of China. And there are many hills in the south of China.(3)(出示第三组图片,对比南北方的农作物。)T:Can you tell me whats in the picture?S10:Wheat is in Picture One.S11:Rice is in Picture Two.T:Is wheat in the north of China or in the south of China?Ss:In the north of China.T:OK. That is to say rice is in the south of China, right?Ss:Right.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (Group work, 把全班分为Group A, Group B两组分别来完成1a中的第一段和第二段。)T:Lets learn about the north of China and the south of China. All the boys are Group A. All the girls are Group B. Group A finishes the first part. Group B finishes the second part. Lets begin.(两分钟后,核对答案,要求互相核对。)T:Lets check our answers.Boys and girls check with each other.in the north is covered within the southsouthernare used toricenorthern2. (继续分组活动,但是两组的内容互换。)T:Lets find out the key words and phrases. But Group B finishes the first part. Group A finishes the second part.in winterin the north of Chinabe covered withsnowmake snowmenin the south of Chinawarmwetbright sunshinego swimmingGroup B peoples way of lifein the northbe used toricemain foodthe southern peoplego by landgo by waterGroup A Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:7分钟)1. (文章内容巩固。)(1)(把上一步中的关键词分类。)T: Lets put these key words into the right box.(2)(复述给同伴听。)Group A1 Group B1Group B1 Group A1(3)(给学生留出时间完成1b,然后核对答案。)1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F2. (语法巩固。)(1)(让学生从文段中找出能体现本话题语法的句子。)People that live on the northern plains usually come and go by land.T:Please find out the attributive clause in the passage.(2)(让学生写出两到三个定语从句,让他们读出。)S1: S2: S3: Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:7分钟)1. (教师出示标有香港、澳门、台湾、重庆、昆明等地的中国地图,多媒体呈现例句和useful expressions。把图片与useful expressions相结合,写句子,练习3。)T: Look at the map and useful expressions. Lets make some sentences. You should use “which”or“that”in the sentences.Example: Kunming which lies in the south of China is known/famous as the Spring City.Useful expressions:(1)the Shopping Heaven(2)the Mountain City(3)the Gambling City(4)the Treasure Island of ChinaT:Please tell me your sentences.S1:S2:S3:S4:.2. (为调动学习积极性,减缓课堂压力,进行定语从句的活动练习。)活动步骤:(1)把定语从句的前半部分写在黑板上。(2)让学生在黑板上划出先行词。(第一组学生。)(3)第二组学生在黑板上写出引导词。(4)第三组学生在盒子中选择后半部分,贴在适当的位置,组成一个正确的定语从句。T: Lets play a gamemaking sentences. One part of the sentence has been given. First, circle the center word.Second, write “that” or “which”.Third, choose the other part from the box, put them on the right position. Make them be correct sentences.A letter that
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