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Unit 8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic 3 Lets celebrate. Section C年级: 七 执笔者: 审核:初一英语组 使用时间:教 学 目 标:1. 了解春节和万圣节前夕,比较中外节日差异。2. 培养学生接触异国文化的兴趣,加深对英语国家文化的了解。一课 前 预 习:一1)读1a,翻译下列短语:1. 一件大事 2.开始做某事: 3. 为做准备: 4.在节日前夕: 5.聚会: 6.熬夜: 7.压岁钱: 8.穿上: 2)读2a,英汉互译下列短语:1.敲门: 2.color our faces white: 3.trick or treat: 4.开某人的玩笑: 5.give my best wishes to sb.:二写出下列动词的过去式:1.do_,play_,knock_,shout_,is_,color_2.have_,wear_,give_,tell_3.live_,hope_,stop_,plan_,study_二 新 知 探 究:1.start doing sth. 译为:_,也可以说成start to do sth.如,They start _(cook) supper. =They start_(cook)supper.他们开始做晚饭。2.on the eve of 在 前夕,如,on the eve of_在元旦前夕3. stay up 深夜不睡,熬夜 You have to go to school tomorrow. I dont want you _(stay) up. 你明天要上学。我不想让你熬夜。4. Color +n.(宾语)+adj.(颜色形容词) :把.刷/涂/漆成色Youd better_ our wall _.I think it looks nice.你最好把墙刷成黄色,我认为那看上去要好些。 三 课 堂 活 动 :听力训练:听1a回答问题:1. What is the Spring Festivals gift?_2. What is the Spring Festivals food?_ _四 课 后 巩 固 :一用方框中所给词的适当形式填空:treat , event , shout, start, luck, stay 1.John _to learn swimming when he was five years old .2.Its blowing strongly .Youd better_ at home.3.The most important _ of 2008 was the Olympic.4.Last night, we knocked on our neighbors doors and _ , “Trick or treat!” 5.On the first day of the Spring Festival, Children can get _ money as new year gifts.6.-Thank you for _ us well. -My pleasure.二根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:(注意用适当形式!)1.-Why are you so tired(疲倦的)?-Because I s_ up late to watch a soccer game last night.2-Who is k_ on the door?-Im sure its Li Ming .He said he would come this morning.三选择:Dont _ your face white. Its too scary.(可怕的)A. colorful B. color C. colored D. to color.
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