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Unit8 Topic3导学案 Unit 8 Topic 3 Section A学习目标:1.掌握生词和词组:model,blouse2.掌握的句型:(1)He said the fashion show was wonderful. (2)She asked him what he was doing. (3)He said he was doing his homework. (4)She asked her father if/whether she could.3.在了解中国传统服装文化的同时,正确看待外国传统服装文化,从而更好地为弘扬祖国传统服装文化服务。4.重点: 学习主句为一般过去时的宾语从句。5. 重点:谈论时装表演。6.难点:注意主句为一般过去时的宾语从句中从句的时态问题。课前预习:1.阅读1a, 3,并译出短语,然后朗读并默写。watch the fashion show_ go with sb._ 时装秀_ _charmingmodels_amazing show _ model the clothes_blouse _ 2.阅读1b里的句子,然后带着问题阅读1a,完成1b注意时态。3. 大声朗读1a对话,在对话中画出所有的宾语从句,比较宾语从句在时态上的变化,并总结出宾语从句的变化规律_-观察下面的句子并思考:(1) .Kangkang said he watched it.(2) And he said the fashion show was wonderful.以上两句是_从句,都使用了_时态 ,因为_.(3) She asked him what he was doing. 该句中宾语从句的时态是_时态,因为_ 4.将下列句子翻译成汉语。(1)He said the fashion show was wonderful._(2)She asked him what he was doing._(3)He said he was doing his homework. _(4)She asked her father if/whether she could watch TV._5.在理解1a的基础上,完成1c的对话排序,小组成员练习对话内容。6.仔细观察Part2里的图片及句子提示,仿照对话,和组员一起编写并分角色练习,注意宾语从语在时态方面的变化。7.预习指导: 阅读1a:找出下列重要的知识点,理解并运用。 1.watch. vt.观看,注视,看管e.g._ _ 看电视;_thesheep看守羊群英语中有不同的“看”:1)look看,因想看而投注目光,不管结果如何,强调动作。e.g.I_butcouldntseeitclearly我看了可是看不清楚。2)watch看,观看,指特别满意、感兴趣地看运动着的东西。e.g._afootballmatch看足球赛3)see看到,看见,强调看的结果,无意或有意识地看到,无进行时态。e.g.I_ afriendinthestreetyesterday.我昨天在街上见到一个朋友。4)notice看到,注意到,觉察到e.g.Didyou_anythingunusual?你注意到有什么异样情况吗?2Thereisgoingtobe.是therebe结构_的_时态,意为_.表示某地将举行某项活动或将有某物出现。e.g.我们学校下周将有一场足球赛。 Thereisgoingtobeafootballmatchinourschoolnextweek. =There_ _afootballmatchinourschoolnextweek.Teaching procedure:.预习展示: 1. Group work first(Read 1a together in groups and then ask several to act it out.(Assessing)2. Get two students to translate the sentences into Chinese:.合作学习展示:1. Ask the Ss to finish 1b .(Evaluating)2. Ask the Ss and number the sentences to make a conversation.Then ask several groups to act out.(Assessing).巩固落实:1. Part 2.Let the students students ask and answer in pairs by following the example, and especially pay more attention to the tense.And ask several students to write down the conversations on the blackboard. . (Evaluating)2.Part 3.Listen to the description of the fashion show and match the models with their names in 3A. Then listen again and fill the blank in 3B.(Evaluating) .当堂检测:一、单项选择。1.- What did Li Xiang say just now? He said he _ his homework in the classroom at that time. A. did B. is doing C. was doing D. does2. There _ a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening.A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. is having 3. Could you let me know _ yesterday? Because the traffic was heavy.A why did you come late B. why you came lateC. why do you come late D. why do come late4. “ Have _ try, you are so close to the answer.” the teacher said to Amy. A. the other B. one another C. other D. Another二句型转换1. There will be a flower show in the park.(同义句转换)There _ _ _ _ a flower show in the park.2. Chinese fashion is different from that in the West.(用He said 连成一句)He said that _.3. He says there will be a football match in the afternoon.(改成主句谓语动词为一般过去的宾语从句)_.
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