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八年级上册教案设计Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?Section D. Material analysis 该部分是本话题的最后一节课。本部分主要通过Grammar、Functions的小结来巩固本话题的语法重点was/were+doing以及本话题重点功能句,可以正确地表达同意或者不同意。通过本节课的复习和总结检测学生的学习情况,及时巩固加深记忆。在总结和复习的时候应该特别强调过去进行时的结构,很多学生在实际应用该结构的时候容易忘记be动词的形式或者后面的doing。本节课还通过短文的形式给学生介绍了周末的来历,要求学生以阅读的形式了解周末的起源。复习课没有太多的新知识,容易让学生感到乏味,要求教师设计不同的课堂活动来激活课堂。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims: 1. 复习和总结本话题重点词汇的读音如:answer, shower, serve, news, museum, duck等。2. 复习和总结本话题的黑体词,并能正确地书写下列单词及短语answer, shower, serve, news, museum, duck,agree, brave, useful, match, dark, voice, sell, hungry, beat, burn, agree with sb., take a shower。3. 复习was/were +doing , 正确表达同意或者不同意。4. 能够正确使用was/were+doing,并能在实际生活中熟练地用英语表达同意或者不同意。5. 学习周末的历史。Skill aims:1. 能听懂就过去某个时段发生的事情的具体描述,并能听懂他人就某个观点表达同意或者不同意。2. 能够将本单元所学内容和以前所学知识相结合,能描绘自己过去某一天所做的具体事情,能用英文表达自己的看法。3. 能够读懂跟课文水平相当的文章,能够读懂介绍某人一天活动的文章。4. 根据所学内容写出简单的故事,能用书面形式介绍自己某一天的活动。 Emotional aims: 1. 培养学生了解外国文化的兴趣,能有意识地欣赏外国的小说及影片,感受地道的英语。 2. 培养学生积极参加小组活动,有集体荣誉感。. The key points and difficult points key points: 1. 巩固was/were+doing及表达赞成或反对的功能句子的用法。 2. 复习Sections A-C中的重点短语和句型:voice, sell, hungry, beat, burn, agree with sb., take a shower等. Difficult points: 准确地使用was/were+doing . Learning strategies1. 课前查找有关星期天的历史,可以为我们的学习打下基础。2. 在学习生词的时候将词与相应的事物相联系可以帮助我们有效的学习单词。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector . Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(5 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Individual work3. Group work4. Group work1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. One student tells a story on the platform. In order to make the story more active, he/she may add some voice and gestures. Other students enjoy it.3. One group discusses in groups, and writes down some statements to evaluate the story and students performance. The other group reviews the sentences which can express agreement and disagreement. 4. Make a short dialogue.1. Greet students ready for learning.2. Invite students to tell a short story. 3. Divide students into two groups. One group evaluates the story and the students performance. The other group shows their expressions.4. Organize students to practice. Presentation(13 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Group work3. Group work and the whole class work4. The whole class work5. The whole class work6. Individual work1. Read through Sections A-C. Write down some sentences on the paper. They may write down some words, phrases or some sentences. Everything is OK, such as the answer: take a shower, agree with sb., serve news.2. Put the six notebooks together, and number all the words, phrases or sentences.3. Each group choose one student to write down their notes. Other students can add more words.4. Look at the blackboard and erase the same part.5. Read and remember all the key points and make sure they can master them.6. Students should fill in the blanks without looking them up in the textbook. 1. Give students 3 minutes to read through Sections A-C. Ask them to underline or write down the key points they think.2. Provide 1 minute for students to classify their notes.3. Make a competition.Which group can sum more words, phrases, and sentences? Divide students into three parts. One part writes down the new words, and another part writes down the new sentences. The last part aims to write down the phrases. There are three groups in each part.4. Choose the best three groups. One group do best in new words. One group do best in phrases. The last group is the best in sentences.5. Ask students to look at the blackboard and check whether they can remember all of these points on the blackboard.6. Show “Grammar and Functions” to students, and check the answers. Consolidation(8 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Group work and individual work3. Individual work and the whole class work4. Individual work5. Group work and individual work.6. The whole class work and group work7. The whole class work1. Look at the picture and express their attitudes. Students can use “I agree with you.” “I think it is just so-so.” 2. Students may dont know the answersaccording to the title and the picture. So they will read the passage to get the answers.3. One student answers the question. All the students read and study new words.4. Students read the answers and get the meanings.5. Students read 1 and put A, B, C, D in the right places. Underline the new words and difficult sentences.6. Check the answe
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