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课下能力提升(八).单词拼写1Theory (理论) should be combined with practice so that it will become practical.2The soldier drew a sword (剑) and killed his enemy.3A computer is certainly a complex (复杂的) machine.4The eclipse of the moon is a rare natural phenomenon (现象)5People usually wear a watch on the left wrist (手腕).完成句子1那个可怜的乞丐被怀疑与犯罪事件有关。The poor beggar was suspected to be_related_to the crime.2你要是不同意这个计划的话,我们可以考虑你的建议。If you dont_subscribe_to the plan, we can take your suggestion into consideration.3你什么时候发现自己酗酒成瘾的?When did you find yourself addicted_to wine?4火车的速度变得越来越快,据说将有一种火车时速达到每小时5 000千米。The speed of a train has_become_faster_and_faster. It is said that a train in the future can run at a speed of 5,000 kilometers per hour.5我们要尽一切可能阻止他们队进球。We will try every means to block/prevent_their_team_from_scoring a goal.完形填空I believe that the stories we tell our children shape the future stories of their lives.As a father of four, I consider storytelling a(n) _1_ part of family life because it provides imaginative nourishment (营养) children need. _2_, thats really not what Im talking about.All the bedtime storytelling I did to my kids was just _3_ the groundwork (基础工作) for the lives I wanted them to have. With my kids, the _4_ bedtime stories, like Snow White and Little Red Cap, _5_ the stories of my own life. One went like this: Uncle Rick _6_ on the bus coming home from school. My Dad had to run after the bus, screaming and _7_ the bus driver to wake him. My children _8_ tired of hearing them. Soon, the _9_ of the storytelling changed from the bedroom to the dinner table.My stories are part of who theyre now. They like to _10_ them at family gettogethers and I _11_ theyve learned valuable life _12_ during the retelling. Theyre beginning to tell their own stories now too. Theres nothing _13_ to my ear than hearing my twentyoneyearold kids say: “Remember the time when .” Its like a(n) _14_ of the old scenes.These stories built a _15_ of family that could never have been _16_ in any school. What my kids were _17_ in these stories was the understanding that they were part of something larger. But to me, these stories gave me a _18_ to unite each child with the other and then with me. This is _19_ we first present the world to them, and this is the way we _20_ begin to change it.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,作者给自己孩子讲述自己的生活故事从而影响了孩子的成长。1A.vitalBalternativeCoptional Ddifficult解析:选A根据下文中的“because it provides imaginative nourishment (营养) children need”可知,讲故事能给孩子们提供他们所需要的营养,故此处应是指讲故事是家庭生活的一个重要部分。vital“重要的,必不可少的”;alternative“可供替代的”;optional“可选择的”;difficult“困难的”。 2A.Moreover BInsteadCHowever DTherefore解析:选C根据设空后的“thats really not what Im talking about”可知,此处与上文构成转折关系,应用副词However。Moreover“此外,而且”;Instead“相反”;Therefore“因此”。3A.exploring BrecoveringClaying Darranging解析:选C作者给孩子们讲睡前故事只是想为他们的生活打基础。lay the groundwork for .是习惯用法,表示“为做准备工作”。explore“探索”;recover“恢复”;arrange“安排”。4A.unusual BtypicalCunique Dreliable解析:选B根据下文中的“like Snow White and Little Red Cap, _ the stories of my own life”可知,典型的(typical)睡前故事,如白雪公主和小红帽,被作者自己的生活故事所取代。unusual“不同寻常的”;unique“独一无二的”;reliable“可信赖的”。5A.made up for Bmissed out onCkept in with Dgave way to解析:选D参见上题解析。give way to“给让路,为所替代”,符合语境。make up for“弥补”;miss out on“错失获利(或取乐等)的机会”;keep in with“与友好相处”。6A.overslept BfoughtCdanced Dsang解析:选A根据下文中的“the bus driver to wake him”可知,Rick叔叔在放学回家的车上睡过了头,故oversleep“睡过头”符合语境。7A.requiring BallowingCadvising Dbegging解析:选D根据语境可知,叔叔在车上睡着了,作者的父亲应是恳求(begging)司机师傅叫醒他。require“要求”;allow“允许”;advise“建议”。8A.just BneverCstill Deven解析:选B根据下文中的“the _ of the storytelling changed from the bedroom to the dinner table”可知,孩子们从不厌倦听作者的故事。很快,讲故事的地点就从卧室转移到了餐桌旁。never“从未;绝不”,符合语境。9A.place BtimeCfrequency Dfocus解析:选A参见上题解析。frequency“频率”;focus“重点”。10A.revise BrepeatCrecite Drecord解析:选B根据下文中的“during the retelling”可知,孩子们喜欢在家庭聚会时重复(repeat)父亲的故事。revise“修改”;recite“背诵”;record“记录”。11A.doubt BrememberCimagine Dsuppose解析:选D根据语境可知,此处指作者认为孩子们在重述故事时学到了宝贵的人生经验。suppose“认为”,符合语境。doubt“怀疑”;remember“记得”;imagine“想象”。12A.purposes BexperiencesClessons Drules解析:选C参见上题解析。purpose“目的,意图”;experience“体验”;lesson“经验,教训”;rule“规则”。13A.stranger BsimplerCslighter Dsweeter解析:选D根据下文中的“Remember the time when . Its . the old scenes”可知,对作者而言,没有什么比听到孩子们说“记得时”更悦耳了,这就好像是旧场景的重现。sweet“悦耳的,令人愉快的”,符合语境。strange“奇怪的”;simple“简单的”;slight“轻微的”。14A.standard BreappearanceCchallenge Dorigin解析:选B参见上题解析。reappearance“再次出现”,符合语境。standard“标准”;challenge“挑战”;origin“起源”。15A.change BfutureCsense Dmodel解析:选C根据下文的“the understanding .”可知,此处指这些故事构建了家庭的意义(sense),这在任何学校可能都未曾被教授(taught)。change“变化”;future“未来”;model“模型”。16A.strengthened BignoredCtaught Dobserved解析:选C参见上题解析。strengthen“加强”;ignore
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