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课下能力提升(十一).用适当的助动词或所给动词的适当形式填空1If it is fine tomorrow, we will_have (have) a football match.2I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, didnt I?3For some time the expert has_been_warning (warn) people of the health risks caused by passive smoking. He says he wont stop until all the smokers around him decide to quit smoking.4It is the most instructive lecture that I have_attended (attend) since I came to this school.5You were out when I dropped in at your house.Oh, I was_waiting (wait) for a friend from England at the airport.6Did you go to see your grandparents last weekend?I had_hoped (hope) to, but I had too much homework to do.7Only when he reached the teahouse did he realize it was the same place hed been in last year.8Do you think he will_have_come (come) back by dinner time?9Why havent you accomplished your task yet?You were supposed to finish it last month.10The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune was_to_be_made (make).完成句子1A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has_been_going_from_bad_to_worse in the past three years.最近的一项调查表明了在过去的三年里我们学校学生的健康状况越来越差。2(2016北京高考书面表达)What made Yue Fei most respectable was that he didnt give up fighting for his nation even when he was_wronged_by_some_people.即使被一些人冤枉,岳飞仍然为自己的国家而战,这是他最值得人们敬佩的地方。3(2015四川高考书面表达)By the way, I do_hope_that you can help me improve my English writing ability, especially the proper use of vocabulary and some important grammar. 顺便说一下,我确实希望你能帮助我提高英语写作能力,尤其是正确使用词汇和一些重要语法的能力。4(2016全国卷书面表达)The reason why I cant keep my word is that my uncle will_go_abroad_for_further_study soon.我无法遵守承诺是因为我叔叔马上要出国深造了。.阅读理解Theres new evidence that too much screen time early in life can change the circuits (回路) in a growing brain. Scientists disagree, though, about whether those changes are helpful, or just cause problems.The debate centered on a study of young mice exposed to a video game. “The mice showed big changes everywhere in the brain,” said researcher Ramirez. On the positive side, it meant that these mice were able to stay calm in an environment that would have stressed out a normal mouse. But it also meant they acted like they had a lack of attention, showed signs of learning problems, and were likely to do dangerous behavior. Generally, the results add to the evidence that parents should be very cautious about screen time for young children, Ramirez said.A more positive explanation came from Professor Leah Krubitzer. “The benefits may be more important than the negative sides,” Krubitzer said, adding that a less sensitive brain might succeed in a world where overstimulation (过度刺激) is a common problem.Its true that this sort of stimulation may make a childs brain less sensitive in some ways. But it also may prepare the brain for an increasingly fastpaced world. “Less than 300 years ago we had an industrial revolution and today were using mobile phones and we interact (互动) on a regular basis with machines,” Krubitzer said. “So the brian must have changed.”Krubitzer rejected the idea that the best solution is to turn_back_the_clock. “You are likely to think of the good old days when you were a kid, and say, I didnt do that and I didnt have TV and look how great I turned out,” Krubitzer said.Brain researcher Gina Turrigiano thinks lots of screen time may be fine for some young brains, but a problem for others. “Parents have to really realize the fact that each kid is going to respond very differently to the same kinds of environments,” she said. 语篇解读:本文是议论文。电子屏幕对孩子的大脑发育有损害,但同时也被高速发展的科技社会所需要。1What damage did the screen time cause to the mice?AThey have difficulty in focusing.BThey are no longer afraid of danger.CThey change their nature completely.DThey get used to a stressful environment.解析:选A细节理解题。由第二段中的“they acted like they had a lack of attention, showed signs of learning problems, and were likely to do dangerous behavior”可知,这些老鼠的注意力下降,出现了学习障碍,以及有危险行为倾向。2Why do kids today need screen time according to Krubitzer?AThey are too sensitive to changes.BThey learn how to succeed from it.CIt is needed in social development.DIt protects them from overstimulation.解析:选C推理判断题。由第四段中的“But it also may prepare the brain for an increasingly fastpaced world”可推知,电子屏幕虽然有害,但是这个高速发展的科技社会需要大脑也做出一些改变来适应。3What does the underlined part “turn back the clock” in Paragraph 5 mean?AStay away from screens.BForget the good old days.CBehave younger and healthier.DChange the time shown on the clock.解析:选A词义猜测题。由画线部分之后的“think of the good old days when you were a kid .I didnt do that and I didnt have TV and look how great I turned out”可知,turn back the clock是指回到过去没有电子屏幕的生活。4What does Gina suggest parents do in the last paragraph?ALearn more from each other.BDont limit screen time for their kids.CBe cautious about screen time for their kids.DEncou
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