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课下能力提升(五).单句语法填空1It is evident that Jenny is happy, for she is smiling.2Jiuzhaigou is very beautiful and I fall in love with it.3Then came the disturbing (disturb) news that Dolly had become seriously ill.4The head teacher scolded the boy for what he had done in the class.5Just go to the shop, show them the dress, and demand they (should)_pay (pay) the damage.6An accident happened to him, but luckily he had an Xray which revealed no broken (break) bones.完成句子1警察命令把大门关上。The police demanded that the_gate_(should)_be_shut.2她不愿意承认自己错了。She is_unwilling_to_admit that she was wrong.3一位年轻女子因扮演苔丝德蒙娜而出名。A young woman is famous for being_cast_in_the_role of Desdemona.4这消息最令我高兴。Theres no_more_delightful news to me.5再过些时候我们才能知道全部结果。It_will_be_some_time_before we know the full results.完形填空Music plays an important role in the development of children from the time they are born. Some argue that music can have a _1_ effect on a child even before birth. Music _2_ children in their development and communication. Music also enables children to learn faster in other _3_ of development, such as language and memorization.First, music can aid the _4_ development of a child in a number of ways. It helps them to _5_ things. For example, most children learn the _6_ and commit it to memory by learning the alphabet song. Since music is _7_ on a series of patterns, _8_ exposure to music enables children to recognize patterns. This ability helps children develop their math, science and reading skills.Second, _9_ children to music from different parts of the _10_ will help them to learn about other cultures and recognize differences _11_ cultures. This can also help children _12_ an appreciation for different cultures and traditions. Besides, getting _13_ moving their bodies to music is a fun and simple form of _14_, which is a good way to fight child obesity. _15_ and dances can also help children identify their different body parts and learn their _16_ side from their left side._17_, listening to music, learning songs, learning to _18_ a musical instrument and learning to dance all require children to listen _19_ to instructions, words and melodies. This _20_ focus on something the children enjoy doing will help them to develop strong listening skills, which will aid them later in life.语篇解读:音乐对孩子的发展是非常重要的。它不仅能够促进孩子的智力发展,还是一种很好的锻炼方式。1A.harmfulBpositiveCslight Ddangerous解析:选B第一句提到从孩子出生起,音乐就对他们的发展起着重要作用。该空所在句紧承上文,点明有些人认为甚至在孩子出生前音乐就对他们有“积极的”影响。2A.aids BoccursCexists Dhides解析:选A该空前后的内容讲的都是音乐的益处,故此处是说音乐有助于孩子的发展和交流。aid sb. in sth.意为“在某方面帮助某人”。3A.designs BquestionsCareas Ddeals解析:选C该空后面所举的语言和记忆是孩子发展的其他“方面/领域”。4A.emotional BspiritualCphysical Dintellectual解析:选D该空所在句是本段的主旨句。本段中提到的开发记忆力和识别模式都是孩子的“智力”发展方面。5A.imagine BincreaseCjudge Dremember解析:选D根据下一句所举例子“commit it to memory”可知,音乐可以帮助孩子“记住”一些东西。6A.number BalphabetCspelling Dreading解析:选B根据本空后“by learning the alphabet song”可知,通过字母歌来学习的应当是“字母表”。7A.spent BtaughtClisted Dbased解析:选D因为音乐是以不同模式为基础的,所以早期接触音乐可以帮助孩子识别不同的模式。be based on意为“以为基础”。8A.early BofficialCsimple Drecent解析:选A参见上题解析。9A.returning BforcingCexposing Dexpressing解析:选C让孩子接触音乐会帮助他们了解与音乐有关的文化。expose sb. to sth.意为“让某人接触某物”。10A.book BvideoCworld Dfield解析:选C最能帮助孩子们学习其他文化的应当是来自“世界”不同地区的音乐。11A.after BbetweenCover Dabout解析:选B联系该句中的“different parts”可知,此处应表示让孩子了解不同文化“之间”的差异。12A.surround BrequireCorder Ddevelop解析:选D在了解不同的文化以及它们之间的差异后,孩子们可以“养成”一种对不同文化和传统的鉴赏力。13A.adults BchildrenCfriends Delders解析:选B因为本文主要论述的是音乐对孩子们的影响,所以此处应表示音乐会让“孩子们”动起来。14A.exercise BmannerCbehavior Dfeeling解析:选A让孩子们随着音乐运动身体是一种简单有趣的可以帮助孩子们对抗肥胖问题的“锻炼”方式。15A.Films BSongsCTexts DOperas解析:选B本空前一句讲了让孩子们随着音乐舞动身体的益处。该空所在句继续谈论“歌曲”和舞蹈的作用。16A.both BleftCright Deither解析:选C分析本句的结构和内容可知,此处应选与该空后的left相对的right“右侧的”。17A.Finally BTotallyCFrankly DLuckily解析:选A根据前面两段开头的First和Second可知,此处应选Finally,以引出对最后一点的论述。18A.play BrepairCmake Dsell解析:选A本文旨在论述音乐的益处,故此处应指“演奏”一种乐器。19A.frequently BfluentlyCcarefully Dcarelessly解析:选C根据下一句中的“focus on something”可知,此处指孩子要“认真”听从各种指令、词语和旋律。20A.ignored BadvancedClost Dneeded解析:选D当孩子们在做他们喜欢做的事情时,他们“需要”专注,而这种专注有助于孩子们以后的发展。.阅读理解Back to three years before, the hit song Call Me Maybe was on everyones lips, and Carly Rae Jepsen had risen to pop status. But many critics wondered whether the Canadian singersongwriter was a onehit wonder.Jepsen admits that she felt a sudden increase of pressure after the singles unexpected popularity. To do with the stress, Jepsen threw herself into creating new songs every single day. It was as if Jepsen disappeared at least by the standard of pop stars. She h
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